P. 90


           Culture Corner

          Do you know where the Wonders of the World are?
          Read the following text and match the countries with the Wonders of the World. What helped you to find the answers?
          Share your answers with your friends.
            Greece(2)  Egypt (2)  Türkiye (2)   Iraq   Jordan   Italy   China   Peru   India   Brazil  Mexico

                   Seven Wonders of the Ancient World:                  New Seven Wonders of the World:
           Great Pyramid of Giza (________): It is the only remaining  Great Wall of China (________): It is an ancient fortification
           wonder, built as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu. It reflects the  built to protect China from invasions, it represents the country’s
           advanced engineering skills and cultural beliefs of the ancient  rich history and architectural achievements.
           Egyptians.                                         Christ (________):  It is a massive statue of Jesus Christ
           Hanging Gardens of Babylon (________): It was a terraced   located in Rio de Janeiro. It serves as a symbol of Brazilian
           garden that King Nebuchadnezzar II built to show off how rich   culture and Christianity.
           and powerful the Babylonian kingdom was.
                                                              Machu Picchu (________):  It is an ancient Inca citadel
           Statue of Zeus at Olympia (_______): It was a giant seated   nestled in the Andes Mountains, it offers insights into the
           statue of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods. It was housed in the
                                                              Inca civilization’s architecture, agricultural practices, and
           Temple of Zeus and represented the idealized form of beauty
                                                              astronomical knowledge.
           in ancient Greece.
                                                              Petra (________): Petra is an old city cut into rose-coloured
           Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (________): It was a beautiful   rock. It shows how good the Nabataeans were at building and
           Greek temple that was built for the goddess Artemis and was
           known for its size and artistic details.
                                                              Chichen Itza (________): It is a Mayan city known for
           Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (__________): It was a tomb
           for King Mausolus and his wife, Artemisia. It was decorated with   its pyramid, El Castillo; it represents Mayan cultural and
                                                              architectural achievements.
           elaborate sculptures and was a sign of their power and love.
           Colossus of Rhodes (__________): It was a colossal statue   The Colosseum (________): It is an iconic amphitheatre in
           of the sun god Helios that stood at the entrance to the harbor of   Rome; it symbolizes the grandeur of the ancient Roman Empire
           Rhodes. It symbolized the city’s victory over an invading army   and its cultural legacy.
           and represented their cultural and religious beliefs.  Taj Mahal (________): It is a magnificent mausoleum built by
           Lighthouse of Alexandria (________): It was one of the tallest   Emperor Shah Jahan as a symbol of love for his wife, it is a
           man-made buildings at the time and was used to guide ships  testament to  the rich  Mughal architecture and  is considered
           into the harbour of Alexandria. It showed how good the ancient  one of the world’s most beautiful buildings.
           Egyptians were at building things and how well they knew how
           to trade on the sea.

          Read the tongue twister and practise saying it as fast as possible.

               Peter picked a peck of perfectly plump plums.
               He peeled and prepared them in his humble home.
               He baked and broiled, he boiled and braised,
               Creating culinary delights that amazed.
               The plums were plucked, the pastries prepared,
               With each verb in the past tense, Peter proudly shared!

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