P. 85



          a) Answer the following questions.
            1.  Do you have any idea about the UNESCO World Heritage List?
            2.  Which landmarks from Türkiye do you think are on this list?
            3.  Have you heard about Derinkuyu Underground City? Where is it? Why is it special?

          b) Listen and take notes about Derinkuyu Underground City.

                           Origins                  Functions + Features                 Today

                    Who?          When?            Why?       Special points
               _____________   _____________  _____________   _____________
               _____________   _____________  _____________   _____________   ____________________________
               _____________   _____________  _____________   _____________   ____________________________
               _____________   _____________  _____________   _____________   ____________________________
               _____________   _____________  _____________   _____________   ____________________________

          c) Listen to the information about Derinkuyu again and fill in the blanks in the following dialogue.

           Tourist      :  Hello! I’m excited to visit Derinkuyu Underground City.   Tourist      :  That’s interesting. Who discovered the city? It is located
           Tour Guide :  Hi! Derinkuyu Underground City is a very old underground                   very deep.
                            place  in  Türkiye.  1.  __________ first built it and early   Tour Guide :  In 1963, 4. __________ found a strange room behind a wall
                            Christians expanded later. They built it with special volcanic                    in his own home. Archaeologists and experts came and
                            rocks.                                             found the hidden city again.
           Tourist      :  How deep is it?                    Tourist      :  Are there any special things to see there?
           Tour Guide :  It goes down very far, 2.  __________. There are many   Tour Guide :  Yes, there are many interesting things. We will see
                            levels to explore, and we can see eight of them.                   5. __________, which helped bring fresh air inside. There
           Tourist      :  That’s deep! How did they build it?                   are also big stone doors that could close off different areas.
           Tour Guide :  They used simple tools to dig and carve the rocks. It took a                    And we’ll see rooms for meeting and even a church.
                            long time to make all the rooms and tunnels. They were   Tourist      :  Sounds fascinating! How long is the tour?
                            very smart!                       Tour Guide :  The tour usually takes about one to two hours. We will see
           Tourist      :  Why did they build it?                              the main parts and I will tell you stories about the history.
           Tour Guide :  They used the underground city for  3. __________. When                    After the tour, you’ll have time to explore the area and enjoy
                            there  were  wars  or  danger,  they  could  hide  inside  the                    the beautiful surroundings.
                            underground  city.  It  also  became  a  safe  place  for  early   Tourist      :  Thank you! I’m really looking forward to it. Let’s start the
                            Christians to practice their beliefs.                   tour!

          Make research about the landmarks in Türkiye which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List and present it to your classmates.


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