P. 82


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)  1. tray   2. check-in desk   3. staff   4. seat   5. boarding pass  6. departure lounge
                             7. suitcase    8. departure gate  9. escalator   10. stewards and stewardesses
          Vocabulary      c)  1. staff   2. suitcase    3. check-in desk   4. tray   5. boarding pass  6. departure gate
                             7. escalator    8. departure lounge   9. seat  10. stewards and stewardesses
                          d)  1. I want to make a flight reservation.    2. 8  of October
                             3. How much does it cost?           4. How would you like to pay?
                          a)  1. capital city  2. home to  3. damp and cool  4. the best thing   5. well-known for
                          b)  1. b  2. b   3. c

          Listening       c)   BRUSSELS
                             Location    Belgium
                             Languages   French, Dutch, and German
                             Climate     damp and cool winters, rather mild summers
                             Best time to visit  spring and summer
                             Best thing to eat  chocolate                      Speaking   Students’ own answers
                          a)  Temporary actions: 1. I am sitting in my bedroom, studying for an upcoming exam. (present continuous)
                                               2. I’m changing my schedule and studying at home. (present continuous))
                             Habits:   1. I usually study in the library. (simple present)
                                    2. I usually study for at least two hours every day. (simple present)
                                    3. I often look over my notes and quizzes to help me remember what I’ve learned. (simple present)
                                    4. Studying is an important part of my academic life, and it helps me achieve my goals. (simple present)
          Structure                 5. I make sure to dedicate time to it every day. (simple present)
                          b)  1. is selling   2. don’t sell   3. sell      4. happens   5. are waiting   6. is offering
                             7. prepare    8. give        9. don’t see   10. are wearing   11. are playing   12. decorate
                             13. use       14. are greeting   15. are walking   16. are watching
                          c)  1. work / are working   2. studies / is practicing   3. produces / sell     4. are building
                             5. is playing / is writing   6. take / are staying   7. is explaining / are taking   8. runs / is working
                             9. are you doing / am studying / am looking      10. is falling / are staying
                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)  A. 3  B. 2   C. 5   D. 4    E. 1
                          c)  1.  freedom, democracy, honesty, integrity, and respect for others.
                             2.  Japan’s cultural values turn around harmony, respect for authority, traditions, customs, politeness, and
                               maintaining a sense of balance.
          Reading            3.  cultural diversity, spirituality, the pursuit of knowledge, and a deep sense of respect towards elders.
                             4.  unity, inclusiveness, cultural diversity, warm hospitality, and a joyful outlook on life.
                             5.  efficiency, precision, environmental responsibility, sustainability, cherishing traditions, embracing the arts,
                               and having a well-structured approach to life.
                          d)  1. Harmony    2. Customs    3. Respect    4. Efficiency    5. Equality    6. Ethics    7. Sustainability    8. Unity
                             Speaking   Students’ own answers  Writing   Students’ own answers
                          a)  1. b  2. c   3. a

          Culture Corner  b)  1.  Turkish people always offer their guests Turkish coffee after meal.
                             2.  Chinese people slurp noodles because the slurping makes the food more enjoyable.
                             3.  Ukrainian people cook Borsch soup very often.

                              A  T  R  A  V  E  L  B  R  O  A  D  E  N  S             Multiple Choice
                              N  T  H  E  F  L  I  G  H  T  E  M  I  N  D
                              N  R  A  G  S  E  A  T  B  E  L  T  I  H  G
                                                                                  1)  A          7)  D
                              O  M  J  N  S  G  D  D  L  A  Y  O  Z  R  D
                              U  Y  C  U  G  N  I  D  R  A  O  B  C  T  V
                                                                                  2)  C          8)  C
                              N  U  L  O  T  V  N  A  I  N  N  K  G  S  M
                              C  Y  T  L  O  W  C  Q  I  L  A  U  C  Z  W
          Fun Page            E  O  T  E  B  T  A  K  E  O  F  F  B  J  Z         3)  C          9)  E
          Wordsearch          M  R  E  I  A  B  C  F  R  I  Q  I  G  R  F
                              E  K  Q  D  R  E  S  Q  X  P  B  M  X  E  E         4)  D          10)  D
                              N  T  V  D  H  U  G  H  C  M  Q  C  D  T  T
                                                                                  5)  B          11)  B
                              T  V  D  C  R  F  C  T  O  J  M  P  X  T  A
                              Q  I  B  J  Y  A  S  E  W  T  D  J  U  Z  G
                              M  L  F  T  U  C  O  Q  S  T  I  O  H  I  J         6)  E          12)  E
                              I  L  E  V  W  R  K  B  K  X  P  K  W  A  P
                         TRA VEL BR O ADENS THE  MIND
            HIDDEN MESSAGE:  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___    ___ ___ ___    ___ ___ ___ ___ .

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