P. 77



          d) Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
               Customs                     Equality                    Harmony                   Sustainability
                Ethics                     Respect                      Unity                      Efficiency

            1.  __________ means when things work well together and there is no fighting or disagreement.
            2.  __________ are the things that people usually do in a particular culture or society, like how they greet each other,
               celebrate holidays, or dress.
            3.  __________ means treating others with kindness, listening to them, and valuing their feelings and ideas.
            4.  __________ means doing things quickly and effectively without wasting time, money, or energy.
            5.  __________ means that everyone is treated fairly and has the same rights and opportunities, regardless of their

            6.  __________ are a set of moral principles that help guide our behaviour and determine what is right and wrong.
            7.  __________ means using resources in a way that doesn’t harm the environment and allows future generations to have
               what they need.
            8.  __________ means working together and being in agreement with others to achieve a common goal or purpose.


          Talk about the cultural and moral values. Include the answers of the following questions in your speech.

              Which cultural and moral values are the most important for
              a society, in your opinion?
              Why do you think so? Choose three of them and share
              your ideas with your classmates.

              What do you think the most important cultural and moral
              values of Türkiye are?  Why?

          Proverbs have an important role in reflecting the customs, traditions, and cultural values of a society. For example, “One hand
          washes the other and together they wash the face.” is about unity and stresses the importance of being together.
            Make a search on the Net and find three proverbs have and complete the following poster.

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