P. 75



          b) Fill in the blanks according to The Simple Present Tense or The Present Continuous Tense.

                                                A Festival in Germany

                                             A shop at the festival area 1. __________ (sell) traditional German gingerbread hearts
                                             now although they 2. __________ (not sell) them in their everyday lives. Instead, they

                                             3. __________ (sell) different types of bread every day. This tradition 4. __________
                                             (happen) only on such days. Look at the people. They 5. __________ (wait) in the
                                             queue to try one.

           On the other side of the street, there is a girl in front of her garden. She 6. __________

           (offer) people to taste their homemade gingerbread hearts. They  7.  __________
           (prepare) these special cakes every day and 8. __________ (give) them to the markets.

                                             Normally, we 9. __________ (not see) such music bands on the streets, but today is a
                                             special day. They 10. __________ (wear) traditional clothes, and they 11. __________

                                             (play) music to all the people wandering around the festival area.

           The  German  12.  __________ (decorate)  their old-fashioned cars  for fest  parade
           during festival times every year. They generally 13. __________ (use) different kinds

           of flowers while doing this. In this photo, they  14.  __________ (greet) everyone
           around the festival area. There are also a lot of tourists on the streets. Some of them
           15. __________ (walk) among these cars, and others 16. __________ (watch) the

          c) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses by using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

           1.   I usually __________ (work) from 9 am to 5 pm, but this week I __________ (work) extra hours to meet the deadline.
           2.   Sarah __________ (study) French every evening, and she __________ (practice) speaking with a language exchange partner.
           3.   The company __________ (produce) high-quality goods that __________ (sell) well in the market.

           4.   Look! The construction workers __________ (build) a new skyscraper in the city center.
           5.   Tom __________ (play) the guitar, and his brother __________ (write) lyrics for their new song in the living room.
           6.   We usually __________ (take) a walk in the park after dinner, but tonight we __________ (stay) home and watch a movie.
           7.   The teacher __________ (explain) the lesson while the students __________ (take) notes.
           8.   My sister __________ (run) her own business, and she __________ (work) on expanding it to new markets.

           9.   A: What __________ (you / do) these days?
                 B: I __________ (study) for my exams and __________ (look) for a part-time job.
           10. The rain __________ (fall) heavily, so we __________ (stay) indoors and play board games.

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