P. 70


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)                                        c)  1. Helen   2. Simon    3. Rita      4. Tim     5. Maria
                                                                       6. Betty    7. Sergio    8. Nina     9. Dora
          Vocabulary                                                d)   1. punctual   2. sensitive   3. stingy      4. strict
                                                                         5. cheerful    6. sensible    7. understanding
                                                                       8. clumsy      9. shy           10. loyal

                          a)  1. c        2. f       3. b        4. e        5. j        6. a        7. i        8. d        9. g       Extra: h. freckles

                          b)   F  supportive    F  gorgeous        F  dark eyes        F  athletic physique
                             ☑                  ☑                  ☑                   ☑
          Listening          F  tall            F  overweight      F  curly black hair  ☑  generous
                             F  serious         F  wavy fair hair  F  excited          F  grumpy
                             F  kind            F  blue eyes       F  humble           F  hazel eyes
                             ☑                                     ☑
                          a)  2. They are stylish modern walking sneakers.  4. It is beautiful new fashion cotton one.
                             3. It’s a terrific Chinese PC for business.

                          b)  1. large, old, purple  2. new, beige, silk  3. expensive, big, white  4. old, brown
                          c)  1. elegant                    2. cheaper              3. more comfortable    4. better             5. more
                          d)  1. What do you think?   2. I’m not so sure     3. I disagree               4. I don’t think     5. I’m convinced

                          a)  Students’ own answers

                          b)   1. Sandra  2. Adam  3. Alice   4. Liz     5. Tom
                          c)   1. Alice  2. Tom    3. Liz     4. Adam    5. Sandra      6.  Students’ own answers

                          d)  Students’ own answers
                                                          Emma Watson                    Cate Blanchett
                                                 She has got light brown hair and dark
                              Physical Appearance  brown almond eyes; she is slim and   She has got gorgeous blue eyes; she is
                                                                                tall and slim.
                              Personality        She is introverted. She is thoughtful.  She has a great sense of humour.

                          a)  Students’ own answers
          Culture Corner
                          b)  1. F      2. F       3. T       4. T       5. T

                                                                                               Multiple Choice

                                                                                                     1)  B
                                                                                                     2)  E
                                                                                                     3)  E
                                                                                                     4)  C
                                                                                                     5)  E
          Fun Page                                                                                   6)  B
          Crossword Puzzle                                                                           7)  E
                                                                                                     8)  D
                                                                                                     9)  C
                                                                                                    10)  B
                                                                                                    11)  B
                                                                                                    12)  C
                                              KEYWORD: SINCERE

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