P. 72



          WARM UP
          a) Answer the following questions.
           1.  Do you like travelling? Why? / Why not?
           2.  What types of transportation do you use while travelling? Why?
           3.  Which city or country would you like to travel?

          b) Write the appropriate words or phrases under the pictures.

            departure lounge      boarding pass      check-in desk          seat                  staff
                 tray             escalator           suitcase         departure gate            stewards and stewardesses

          1                    2                    3                   4                    5

            _______________     _______________      _______________      _______________     _______________

          6                    7                    8                   9                    10

            _______________     _______________      _______________      _______________     _______________

          c) Complete the paragraph with the words from ‘Exercise b’.
            Hello, I’m Peter Sand. My wife, Sandra, and I love going on vacation to Antalya, Türkiye. It has sandy beaches and luxurious
            hotels with hospitable and kind 1. _____________. Before going there, I always make reservations online with the airline. I
            always help my wife pack the 2. _____________ with clothes, toothbrushes, and swimming suits for the trip. I don’t forget to
            take my books to read while sunbathing.
            I don’t like going through the airport before our flight because the airport is always crowded and the line at the 3. _____________
            is very long. We really dislike emptying our pockets, taking off our shoes, and putting everything in a 4. _____________ to
            be checked. We hand over our luggage that will need to go into the aircraft hold. We take our 5. _____________, which we
            will have to present to airport security. We must pass through the airport security gates to get to the departure hall until we
            find our 6. _____________. However, after that, things are good enough. We ride the 7. _____________ to go to our gate
            and sit in the 8. _____________ until our flight is ready for boarding. After we get on the plane, I often choose a window
            9. _____________ to take photos and watch the cities and clouds through the window. Finally, friendly 10. _____________
            brief us on the flight and security. Then I’m ready for my flight to my dreams—clear water and lots of sunshine.

          d) Complete the dialogue with the expressions given.
          ◽ How would you like to pay        ◽ How much does it cost        ◽ 8  of October        ◽ I want to make a flight reservation
           Agent       : Welcome to Fly Airlines Office. How can I help you?
           Customer  : Hi, (1) _______________________________ to New York.
           Agent       : OK, when are you going to travel?
           Customer  : (2) _______________________________.
           Agent       : Let’s check the availability. Sorry to keep you waiting...
           Customer  : No problem.
           Agent       : There is only one flight that day. It’s at 10 p.m.
           Customer  : That suits me. (3) _______________________________?
           Agent       : $120.
           Customer  : That’s fine.
           Agent       : (4) _______________________________?
           Customer  : In cash. Here you are.
           Agent       : Thank you. Have a nice flight.

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