P. 69


          Multiple Choice

         7.   Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the    10. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
            sentence given below?                                    Kaan _____ a great time because he is at Sunshine Camping
                                                                  at the moment.
            Matthew is quieter than Jason.
                                                                  A) had
            A) Jason is as quiet as Matthew.
                                                                  B) has had
            B) Matthew is more talkative than Jason.
                                                                  C) will have
            C) Matthew is as talkative as Jason.
                                                                  D) was having
            D) Jason isn’t as talkative as Matthew.
                                                                  E) is having
            E) Jason is more talkative than Matthew.

         8.  Choose the best option to complete the statement.  11. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

                                                                  Jack:   I _____ some tea. Would you like some?
                          Age     Weight   Length
                                                                  Linda:  Actually, I _____ tea but today I feel like I’m in the
                Susan      36      53kg    164cm
                                                                            mood for some tea. Well, I mean ‘yes’. Thank you.
                Clare      18      79kg    172cm
                                                                  A) make / does not like
                Angela     24      50kg    158cm
                                                                  B) am making / do not like
            Angela is _____                                       C) is making / like
                                                                  D) are making / likes
            A) the tallest of all.
                                                                  E) makes / do not like
            B) as old as Susan.

            C) the heaviest of all.
            D) younger than Susan.
            E) taller than Clare.

         9.   Choose the best option to complete the dialogue.  12. Choose the best option to complete the statement.
            Maria:  I have read an article about famous people.    Cameron Diaz is on a special diet at the moment. She
                       According  to  the  author,  we  should  value  talent    _____ a lot of eggs and meat.
                       more than fame.
                                                                  A) are eating
            Grace: _____ .
                                                                  B) eats
            Maria:  So do I. For example, I don’t care whether a
                                                                  C) is eating
                       musician is famous or not, if his / her music is good.
                                                                  D) eat
            A) I disagree with him
                                                                  E) doesn’t eat
            B) He is not right
            C) I think he is right
            D) I don’t agree with him
            E) I’m not sure if he is right

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   67
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