P. 80


          Multiple Choice

          1.  Which of the following is correct according to the   4.   Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph.
                                                                  You can easily travel in London _______ . There are many
            Taranto is an amazing city in Italy, famous for its beautiful   ways to travel around the city such as the typical red buses.
            natural landscape. The best way to go to Taranto by car is   London Underground, which is called the Tube, is another
            following the road 377 which is called ‘Road Of the Caves’.   way of transportation. You can also travel by boat along
            It takes you directly to Taranto. If you want to take a train,   the River Thames and see the famous London sights like
            you will take the Bari Taranto line. In the city, you can see   Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the London Eye.
            precious handicraft work at the Grottaglie. Also, the local
            food is one of the best in Italy. In addition to local olive oil, a   A) so it’s not a good idea to visit England
            local fish dish called the ‘Tarentello’ (tuna fish and spices)   B) as it’s quite expensive
            is very famous. Along the coast, there are lovely spots for   C) so it’s usually rainy
            diving into the Ionian Sea. You can also visit the historical
            caves where ancient people lived in.                  D) because public transport is really good
                                                                  E) but everything about public transport is really difficult
            A) Taranto is popular with its inherent scenic.
            B) Road of the Caves is located in Grottaglie.
            C) Tarentello is the name of a local restaurant.
            D) There are lovely places for climbing.
            E) You can visit the historical houses where
              ancient people lived in.

                                                                5.  Which of the following option completes the blanks in
                                                                  the chart correctly?
                                                                   Name          : Keira
          2.  Which  of the  following  is the  correct  order of  the      From           : ........... To : ...........
            sentences in the dialogue?                             Airline          : Phoenix
                                                                   Departure Date   : ...........
             (I)   Sally   : Is it a cold city?                    Seat           : ...........
             (II)   Pedro  : I’m from Granada in the south of Spain.     Class           : ...........
             (III) Sally   : I don’t like cold weather. I should visit it in        How to pay          : ...........
                      the summer then.
             (IV) Pedro  : Well, it is a beautiful city with its snowy    A) aisle / 7  April / Australia-England / standard / in cash
                      mountain called Sierra Nevada.              B) Australia-England / 7  April / aisle / standard / in cash
             (V)  Sally   : Really! How can you describe your city?
             (VI) Pedro  : Yes. It is very cold in winter, but in the summer   C) 7  April / standard / Australia-England / aisle / in cash
                      it is pretty hot.                           D) Australia-England / aisle / standard / 7  April / in cash
            A) II - V - III - I - VI - IV                         E) standard / in cash / 7  April / aisle / Australia-
            B) V - II - VI - IV - III - I
            C) II - V - IV - I - VI - III
            D) V - II - III - I - VI - IV
            E) IV - VI - II - V - I - III
                                                                6.  Choose the correct option according to the paragraph.
                                                                  Hi, my name is Camilla from Brazil. I’m in Spain with my
                                                                  two friends for a holiday. I’m actually quite afraid of flying,
          3.  Which of the following is correct according to the   but Spain is worth it, as there are many gorgeous cities like
            paragraph?                                            Madrid, Barcelona, and Toledo. They really take my breath
                                                                  away. Now, we’re staying in a cheap hostel in Madrid next to
            Portugal is located in the Western Europe. It is the oldest
            country in the continent. Its capital city is Lisbon. You can   the Puerto del Sol. We usually walk in the streets to talk to
            find a calm and relaxing atmosphere in this peaceful place.   the local people and learn how they live and think. We love
            You can see lovely old buildings in the city and take photos   eating tapas, the little dishes of Spain. They’re so delicious.
            of them. The city has the longest bridge in Europe and the   I’ll really miss the tapas restaurants when I go back to Brazil.
            oldest bookstore in the world. They have a Portuguese folk   A) Camila is a Spanish girl who loves Madrid a lot.
            song Fado which is usually melancholy and nostalgic.
                                                                  B) Camilla really enjoys travelling by plane.
            A) Lisbon is a modern city with tall buildings.       C) Camila thinks Toledo and Barcelona are not worth
            B) Fado is a traditional, cheerful, and joyful folk song.  visiting.
            C) Lisbon is an ancient city with historical buildings.  D) Camila is not crazy about eating Spanish tapas.
            D) The world’s oldest clock tower is in Lisbon.       E) Camila and her friends do not pay a lot for the
            E) Lisbon is a crowded and noisy city.                  accommodation.

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