Page 104 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 104

Topic Summary - Adjectives / Adverbs & Comparisons

            -  I am right, aren’t I?
                   What is in this unit?

                  • Making Comparisons
                  • Comparative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs
                  • Superlative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs
                  • Other Comparing Structures

                  • Using Different Structures in Comparison

               In this unit you will learn to use …

                  • comparisons.

                   - It is a well-known fact that sound waves pass through solid structures more easily than through the air.
                   - I am sorry for not having informed you about the case earlier.

                  • comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

                   - The habit of moving around in large groups is commoner / more common in fish than in any
                    other animal species.

                   - The exam we took yesterday was simpler / more simple than the one last week.

                  • superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

                   - Neptune, which orbits the Sun at an average distance of 4.498 billion km, is the furthest planet from the Sun.
                   - Bill, who was the eldest of a family of seven, had to work day and night to take care of them.

                  • other comparing structures.

                    - As it is too cold to go out tonight, let’s stay in and watch a movie together.
                    - I think we have enough food for all the guests, so we don’t have to order any more.
                    - It is lucky of you to have children with such good manners.
                    - The city has so stunning a view that it has millions of visitors every year.

                    - We had such a complicated exam that almost nobody could pass it.
                    - His films are such that they are watched by millions of people as soon as they are released.

                  • different structures in comparison.

                    - As the report suggests, we are as successful as our rivals in the market.
                    - Things may not go so perfectly as they should, but this shouldn’t mean you will give up.
                    - I know that Frank isn’t so rude as to break anyone’s heart.
                    - Such a selfish person as Samuel doesn’t deserve to be in such an important position.

                    - My way of life is quite different from that of yours.
                    - The older we grow, the wiser we become.
                    - A: What kind of clothes do you usually buy?
                     B: The cheaper, the better.

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