Page 101 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 101

Fast Track to YDT - Passive

        9. It’s notable that exercise, a whole food-based diet, and sleep   13. With daily reporting and analysis on the emergency, the
          ---- on multiple pathways linked to better brain and mental   media ---- to ensure that even more people ---- aware of the
          health, ---- the lowering of inflammation and improvements   dangers and opportunities of this moment.
          in brain rewiring.
                                                                   A)  would aim / are making
            A)  can help / to be included
                                                                   B)  should aim / are made
            B)  must help / being included
                                                                   C)  could be aimed / will be made
            C)  may help / including
                                                                   D)  can aim / made
            D)  were supposed to help / included
                                                                   E)  might be aimed / have been made
            E)  should have helped / having included

        10. The wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles ---- by   14. Hydrogen,  which  ----  one  proton  in  its  nucleus  and  one
           750 million people worldwide in 1981; sadly, 2.5 billion ----   outer electron, ---- to be the first element in the periodic
           her funeral in 1997.                                   table of elements.
            A)  was watched / were viewed                          A)  is having / was known
            B)  watched / had viewed                               B)  had / knows

            C)  has watched / were viewing                         C)  had had / knew
            D)  had been watched / viewed                          D)  has / is known
            E)  was being watched / had been viewed                E)  will have / has been known

        11. When sunshine ---- into the mountain’s surface, it ---- solid   15. Native to Mexico, chocolate ---- in Europe during the 16
           ice to transform directly into vapour, producing significant   century, and the Mexican drink created a passion that ----
           losses of the ice mass—even at temperatures well below   after nearly half a millennium.
                                                                   A)  was introducing / endures
            A)  will reflect / will cause
                                                                   B)  was introduced / endured
            B)  was reflected / had been caused
                                                                   C)  is introduced / will endure
            C)  is being reflected / is caused
                                                                   D)  introduced / would endure
            D)  reflects / will have caused
                                                                   E)  had been introduced / had endured
            E)  is reflected / causes

        12. If they ---- in rich soil with plenty of water at the beginning   16. Television  broadcasting  ----  by  continuing  technical
           of summer, vegetables ---- well by the beginning of winter.  developments  such  as  long-haul  microwave  networks,
                                                                  which  ----  the  distribution  of  programming  over  a  wide
            A)  were planted / grew                               geographic area.
            B)  had planted / can be grown                         A)  is supported / allow

            C)  are being planted / would have grown               B)  has been supported / allowed
            D)  were planting / could have been grown              C)  supported / will allow
            E)  are planted / should grow                          D)  was being supported / have been allowed
                                                                   E)  will be supported / had allowed

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