Page 96 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 96

Topic Summary - Passive Voice


         Geçişli olmayan fiiller edilgen yapılamaz.
           ▪ If you don’t want to be late for the flight, we should leave now.
           ▪ It was almost midnight by the time we arrived home.

         Hem geçişli hem de geçişsiz olarak kullanılabilen bazı fiiller geçişli yapıda kullanıldıklarında edilgen yapıya dönüştürülebilir.

           ▪ The local health clinic opens at 09.00 a.m. on weekdays. (Intransitive - No Passive)
           ▪ The building attendant opens the clinic before the other staff arrive. (Transitive – Active)
           ▪ The clinic is opened before the other staff arrive. (Passive)

         “Resemble, lack, consist, become, have, contain” gibi fiiller geçişli olmalarına rağmen edilgen yapıda kullanılmazlar.
           ▪ Junk food contains too many harmful substances, especially for the physical development of children during their growing up period.

         Çift Nesne Alan Fiiller

           Etken bir cümlede fiilin “direct” (dolaysız) ve “indirect” (dolaylı) olmak üzere iki nesnesi var ise cümle iki farklı şekilde edilgen (passive)
           yapılabilir, ancak genellikle dolaylı nesne edilgen (passive) cümlenin öznesi olur.

           ▪ The government awarded my sister a scholarship so that she could continue her education abroad. (Active)
           ▪ My sister was awarded a scholarship by the government so that she could continue her education abroad. (Passive)
           ▪ A scholarship was awarded to my sister by the government so that she could continue her education abroad. (Passive)

         Passive yapılarda “by” kullanımı
           Passive cümlede eylemi gerçekleştiren önemli ise “by” edatı ile birlikte belirtilir. Şayet eylem bir kişi tarafından değil de bir nesne yoluyla
           gerçekleşiyorsa “by” yerine “with” kullanılır.

           ▪ The old city was destroyed by an earthquake in 1999.
           ▪ The door was smashed open with a hammer.
           Eylemi gerçekleştirenin belirtilmediği passive kullanımı çok yaygındır. Eğer eylemi yapanın belirtilmesi önemli değilse, bilinmiyorsa veya
           yapanın kimliği yaygın olarak biliniyorsa “by” kullanılmaz.

         Passive yapılarda “it” ve “there” kullanımı
           Eylemi gerçekleştirenin önemli olmadığı durumlarda “it “ ve “there” sıklıkla kullanılır.

           ▪ It was decided to provide students with the opportunity to select courses based on their interests.
           ▪ There were no responses to the idea, and no choices were reached.

        2. Passive in Gerund

                                                         Active                           Passive

           Gerund                            verb + ing (Ving)                being + past participle (V )

           Perfect Gerund                    having + past participle (V )    having + been + past participle (V )
                                                                    3                                       3

         Passive Gerund, “being + past participle (V )” şeklinde oluşturulur.
           ▪ The little kid is waiting in the school garden for being taken to home.

           ▪ Do you remember his being chosen as the most valuable player of the tournament?
         Esas cümlenin fiili ile yan cümlenin fiili arasında zaman farkı varsa “having been + V ” kullanılır.
           ▪ Students denied having been warned against the use of smartphones during school hours.
           ▪ Only about a third of patients in the survey recalled having been advised to keep track of how often they used their inhalers.

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