Page 98 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 98

Topic Summary - Causatives

        6. Causatives

           Türkçe karşılığı “ettirgen” çatı olan “Causative” yapılar “have”,“get” ve “make” fiilleriyle yapılır. Bir işin başkasına yaptırıldığı ya da işi kimin yaptığının
           önemli olmadığı durumlarda kullanılır.
         Make + someone + do + something: Bir işin başkasına zorla yaptırıldığı durumlarda kullanılır.
           ▪  As Sally has an obsessive cleaning disorder, she makes her guests wash  their hands immediately.

           ▪  The bus driver made a man get off  the bus as he was disturbing other passengers by talking on the phone loudly.
           ▪  Because the boss was unsatisfied with the report that we had prepared, he made us rewrite it more elaboratively.

         Make + someone + adjective yapısı “neden olmak” anlamında sadece sıfat ile de kullanılır.
           ▪  Genetic factors may make people vulnerable to some particular diseases.
           ▪  Julia has so many certificates and experience in the marketing sector, which makes her eligible to apply for the position.

         Make + someone + do + something yapısı “passive” (edilgen) yapıya dönüştürüldüğünde “be made to” şeklinde kullanılır.

           ▪  The director made me apologise to my colleague for my rude behaviour. (Active)
           ▪  I was made to apologise to my colleague for my rude behaviour. (Passive)
         Have + someone + do something: Bir işin parayla ya da rica ile yaptırıldığı durumlarda kullanılır.
           ▪  The landlord had the gardener mow the grass after he was done with trimming.

           ▪  It would be better if we had an interior designer decorate the house.
         Let + someone + do + something

           ▪  Unless parents let their children make their own decisions, they cannot become independent individuals.
           ▪  It may sound strange, but some companies let their customers decide how much to pay for a product that they want to buy.

         Let + someone + do + something passive (edilgen) yapıya “be allowed to” şeklinde çevrilir.
           ▪  My parents let me drive at weekends only.
             I’m allowed to drive at weekends only.

           ▪  The school management doesn’t let students use their smartphones at school.
             Students aren’t allowed to use their smartphones at school.
         Get + someone + to do + something: Birinin, bir işi yapmaya ikna ya da razı edildiği durumlarda kullanılır.

           ▪  No matter how hard Jane tried, she couldn’t get her spouse to go on a cruise tour.
           ▪  With the great determination they showed during the 20-day strike, workers have been able to get their managers to increase their salaries
              by 80 per cent.
         Have / get + something + done: Başkası tarafından yapılan bir işi vurgulamak için kullanılır. Bu yapıda, işi kimin yaptığı önemli değildir.

           ▪  As Tom’s French is not good enough to understand such a complicated research paper, he had / got it translated into English.
           ▪  Even if you believe your cats are totally healthy, you should have / get them vaccinated regularly.

         Have / get +something + done yapısı aynı zamanda kaza ya da talihsizliklerden söz ederken “passive” (edilgen) yapı yerine de kullanılabilir.
           ▪  All our money was stolen when we were on holiday in Paris. (Passive)
             We had all our money stolen when we were on holiday in Paris. (Causative)

           ▪  My daughter’s arm was injured while she was playing volleyball last weekend. (Passive)
              My daughter had her arm injured while she was playing volleyball last weekend. (Causative)

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