Page 121 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 121

Topic Summary - If & Wish Clauses

            -  I am right, aren’t I?
                   What is in this unit?

                                        IF CLAUSES - CONDITIONALS                          WISH CLAUSES
            ▪ Type 0 (Zero Conditional)  ▪ Type 1 (First Conditional)  ▪ Type 2 (Second Conditional)  ▪ Wishes about the present
            ▪ Type 3 (Third Conditional)  ▪ Mixed Types of If Clauses  ▪ Other Conditionals  ▪ Wishes about the past
            ▪ Implied Conditionals   ▪ Inverted Conditionals  ▪ As If / As Though      ▪ Wishes about the future
                                                                                       ▪ If only
             In this unit you will learn to use …
                 • type 0 (zero conditional) in sentences.
                   - If something goes wrong with the machine, an error code flashes on its screen.
                 • type 1 (first conditional) in sentences.
                   - If the authorities take the necessary steps to improve agriculture, they will not have to import wheat or corn from
                     other countries.
                 • type 2 (second conditional) in sentences.
                   - The sea level would be nearly 70 metres higher than it is now if all the ice across Antarctica, Greenland, and
                     mountain glaciers worldwide melted.
                 • type 3 (third conditional) in sentences.
                   - If NATO hadn’t intervened in the problem between two neighbouring countries on time, a political conflict could
                     have broken out.
                 • mixed types of if clauses in sentences.
                   - If excavations in Kültepe hadn’t unearthed the cuneiform clay tablets, the oldest written documents, Kültepe
                     wouldn’t currently be the starting point of Anatolia’s history. (present consequence)
                   - If Istanbul weren’t in a strategic position, acting as a bridge between the continents of Asia and Europe, it would
                     not have been besieged by many states and become the capital of different empires. (unreal past consequence)
                 • other conditionals in sentences.
                   - Even if technological developments offer quick and innovative solutions in every aspect of life, their acceptance
                     by society may take some time.
                   - Provided that students have a GPA higher than 3.00, their scholarships are renewed unconditionally.
                 • implied conditionals in sentences.
                   - The authorities must act immediately to stop the sewage released into the Severn River in Britain, or it will be too
                      late to recover it.
                 • inverted conditionals in sentences.
                   - Should anyone want to be a professional athlete, he must have exceptional natural talent and discipline, in addition
                     to being highly physically fit.
                 • as if / as though in sentences.
                   - The second team to travel to the Chinese space station will focus on building equipment and facilities around the
                     space station as if they were building a city.
                 • wish clauses about the present in sentences.
                   - Jorge wishes he could speak and write in French as fluently as you can.
                 • wish clauses about the past in sentences.
                   - Well, I see that we don’t have a meeting today. I wish I had received a call earlier. I have come all the way for
                 • wish clauses about the future in sentences.
                   - Local people wish the air pollution problem caused by the factories in the region would be solved anytime soon.
                 • if only in sentences.
                   - If only I could do something to relieve your pain after the anaesthesia wears off.


                   Bölümler  Vocabulary  Grammar  Cloze  Sentence   Completion  Paragraph   Comprehension  Dialogue  Restatement  Situation  Paragraph   Completion  Translation    Eng – Tur  Translation  Tur – Eng  Irrelevant  Toplam

             Soru Sayısı   5     10     5      8    15      5     5      5     5      6     6      5     80

             Yüzdelik    6,25%  12,5%  6,25%  10%  18,75% 6,25%  6,25%  6,25%  6,25%  7,5%  7,5%  6,25%  100%

   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126