Page 125 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 125

Topic Summary - If & Wish Clauses

         2. Only if (şayet, ancak, kaydıyla)

           ▪ You can include these personal inferences in your thesis as proven information only if laboratory studies support them.
             “Only if” cümle başına gelirse, ana cümle devrik yazılır.

           ▪ Only if you become a member through the “e-devlet” system can you enter the national library and benefit from the resources.
         3.  Unless / If not (eğer …mazsa, -madıkça, -medikçe)

           ▪ You are not allowed to do bungee jumping unless you agree to sign a waiver of liability.
         4.  If not / If not so (eğer öyle olmazsa…, eğer öyle değilse…)
           ▪ While doing academic research, you need to paraphrase the information you have collected. If not, your study can be labelled
             as plagiarised.

         5.  If so (eğer öyleyse…)
           ▪ Because of the current technological developments, robots are expected to replace manpower within 20 years.  If so, the
             unemployment rate is predicted to increase.

         6.  Provided / Provided that / Providing / Providing that ( -mak / -mek şartıyla)
           ▪ Citizens in Türkiye can apply to the consumer arbitration committee, provided that the petition containing the dispute is submitted
             there, if any, together with the relevant evidence.
         7.  Suppose / Suppose that / Supposing / Supposing that (tut ki, farz et ki)

           ▪ Supposing that the world ran out of oil, how could people travel?
         8.  On the condition / On the condition that (…olmak kaydıyla, sadece… şartıyla)
           ▪ The World Bank has agreed to decrease the country’s loan payments on the condition that the money is used for the healthcare
             and education of the children.

         9.  In the event that (…durumunda, …takdirde, …-ebilir / …-abilir diye)
           ▪ In the event that the theatre play is rescheduled, you will be notified by both SMS and email.
         10. In the event of +noun (…ihtimaline karşı, …halinde, …durumunda)

           ▪ In the event of an emergency, oxygen masks will fall from the aircraft’s ceiling, and the captain and cabin crew will instruct
             the passengers on how to act.
         11. In case (…durumunda, …takdirde, …-ebilir / …-abilir diye)

           ▪ In case a fire breaks out in the workplace, the drill is held at least once a year to ensure that emergency plans can be followed
             and applied regularly.

         12. In case of + noun (…halinde, …durumunda)
           ▪ In case of an error in the amount of the stocks of the products, the stock control officer will be held responsible.

         13. Imagine / Imagine that ( farz et ki…)
           ▪ Imagine that you are now viewing the Northern Lights in Norway. How would you feel?
         14. When (…-dığında, …-dığı zaman)

           ▪ When nations start using renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy, carbon dioxide emissions will significantly
             decrease around the globe.
         15. But for + noun (…olmasa, …olmasaydı)
           ▪ Officials stated that but for Türkiye’s help at the time of the Korean War, current South Korea would not exist now.

         16. If it weren’t for + noun (…olmasa)
           ▪ If it weren’t for information and communication technologies, we would be deficient in many aspects in life, both socially and

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