Page 136 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 136

Topic Summary - Relative Clauses

            -  I am right, aren’t I?
                   What is in this unit?

                  • Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses    • Relative Pronoun Modifying Reason
                  • Relative Pronoun as a Subject                 • Reduction of Relative Clauses
                  • Relative Pronoun as an Object                 • “Which” Referring to a Whole Sentence
                  • Relative Pronoun as an Object of a Preposition    • Quantifiers with Relative Pronouns
                  • Relative Pronoun Modifying Time               • Cleft Sentences
                  • Relative Pronoun Modifying Place              • Whereby
                  • Relative Pronoun Modifying Possession
               In this unit you will learn to use …

                  • defining and non-defining relative clauses in sentences.

                   - The man who refused to pay the bill wanted to see the manager himself.
                   - My neighbour, who is very optimistic, says there will be more oranges this year.
                  • relative pronoun as a subject in sentences.
                   - The employee who comes up with the best project will be rewarded with an extra salary.

                  • relative pronoun as an object in sentences.
                   - Thank you very much for the present that you sent me for my birthday last week.
                  • relative pronoun as the object of a preposition in clauses.

                    - Topics with which students are familiar can be learnt more easily.
                  • relative pronoun modifying time in sentences.
                    - 1954 is the year when the Turkish national football team participated in the World Cup Tournament for the first time.

                  • relative pronoun modifying place in sentences.
                    - Antalya is a popular holiday destination where you can both ski and swim on the same day.
                  • relative pronoun modifying possession in sentences.

                    - Who can tell me the name of the poet whose poem we studied in our lesson last week?
                  • relative pronoun modifying reason in sentences.
                    - Some psychologists investigate the reason why some people have a fear of snakes, although they have never
                      seen one before.
                  • reduction of relative clauses in sentences.
                    - The buses carrying students from school to their houses should be controlled regularly.

                  • “which” referring to a whole sentence.
                    - Our team lost the final match against our biggest rival, which upset all the spectators in the stadium.

                  • quantifiers with relative pronouns in sentences.
                    - Omega-3 fatty acids include nutrients necessary to fight heart disease and reduce inflammation, both of which
                      can directly affect your hearing.
                  • cleft sentences.
                    - It was the heavy traffic which caused me to be late for the office meeting yesterday.
                  • “whereby” in sentences.

                    - We need to find a new way whereby we can solve the current problems we face.

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