Page 138 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 138

Topic Summary - Relative Clauses

        3. Relative Pronoun as Subject (who - which - that)
        Tanımlamayı amaçladığımız isim, sıfat cümleciğimizde nesne durumunda ise;  who, whom, that, insanlar için, which, that bütün
        cansız varlıklar, soyut kavramlar ve hayvanlar için kullanılabilir.

           ▪ The equipment which / that the climbers took with them proved unsuitable for climbing.
           ▪ The politicians who / whom / that the local people welcomed warmly left the area in joy.

        Unutmamalıyız ki “who”, “whom” ve “which” hem “Defining” hem de “Non-Defining Relative Clause” cümlelerinde kullanılabilir. Ancak,
        “that” sadece “Defining Relative Clause” cümlelerinde kullanılabilir.

           ▪ The world-wide famous player, who / whom / that the club signed last week, scored two goals in his first match.
           ▪ My aunt gave me this jumper, which / that she knitted herself when she was a student.

        Tanımlamak  istediğimiz  isim,  “Relative  Clause”  cümlesinin  nesnesi  durumunda  ise  herhangi  bir  “relative  pronoun”  (who,
        whom, which, that) kullanılmadan da aynı anlamı verebiliriz.
           ▪ What do you think of the clothes which English people used to wear in the Middle Ages?
           ▪ What do you think of the clothes that English people used to wear in the Middle Ages?

           ▪ What do you think of the clothes Ø English people used to wear in the Middle Ages?
        Every(thing), some(thing), no(thing), all, little, none gibi ifadeler cümlede özne konumunda ise that ile kullanılır, ancak nesne
        konumunda ise  that ya da  Ø şeklinde kullanılabilir.

           ▪ The new assistant will do anything (that) his boss tells him to do without hesitation.
           ▪ There is nothing that we can do about this problematic issue right now.

        Superlative yapılar tanımlayıcı cümlede özne konumunda ise that ile kullanılır, ancak nesne konumunda ise  that ya da Ø
        şeklinde kullanılabilir.

           ▪ This is the funniest film that has ever come from Hollywood to our country in the last two decades.
           ▪ This is the tastiest Indian meal (that) we have eaten so far during our world tour.

        4. Relative Pronoun as Object of Preposition (which - who - whom - that)
        Ana cümlede tanımlanan isim, ardından gelen “relative clause” cümlesinde nesne durumunda ise ve cümlenin fiili bir ilgeç ile
        beraber kullanılmışsa, ilgeç cümledeki yerinde bırakılarak relative pronoun “who, whom, which, that” kullanılabilir.

              » The ladder began to slip. I was standing on the ladder.
           ▪ The ladder which / that / Ø  I was standing on began to slip.
              » My friend is a very optimistic person. I talk to him every evening on the phone about my family problems.
           ▪ My friend who / whom / that / Ø I talk to every evening on the phone about my family problems is a very optimistic person.

        Sıfat  cümlesi  “Non-Defining”  yapıda  ise  ilgecin  nesnesi  durumundaki  “relative  pronoun”  cümleden  atılamaz  ve  “that”
              » Mr Jones is very generous about overtime payments. I have been working for him since I moved to this city.
           ▪ Mr Jones, whom / who / that I have been working for him since I moved to this city, is very generous about overtime payments.

        “Relative clause” cümlesindeki ilgeç (preposition) istenildiğinde “relative pronoun”un önünde de kullanılabilir.  Ancak, bu
        durumda “relative pronoun” cümleden atılamaz. İlgeç, “pronoun”un önüne getirildiğinde “that” ya da “who” kullanılamaz. Bu
        tür durumlarda sadece “whom” veya “which” kullanılmalıdır.

           ▪ I do not talk to my neighbour who / whom / that / Ø all the residents are complaining about regarding his parking unsuitably in
             the wrong spot.
           ▪ I do not talk to my neighbour about whom all the residents are complaining regarding his parking unsuitably in the wrong spot.
           ▪ The forest which / that / Ø we will drive through used to be a desert years ago.
           ▪ The forest through which we will drive used to be a desert years ago.

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