Page 133 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 133
Fast Track to YDT - If & Wish Clauses (1)
9. Statistics show that ---- seatbelts, which reduce the 13. In California, a group of people ---- a party every year
force of impact or ejection from the vehicle, the chances by dressing up in costumes as if they ---- once notable
of surviving a potential car accident would drop by historical figures, such as Alexander the Great, Marie
three-quarters. Curie, and so on.
A) without A) is throwing / will be
B) in the event of B) used to throw / were
C) in case of C) threw / have been
D) if it hadn’t been for D) will throw / are
E) with E) throw / had been
10. Peter Benchley, the author of the popular book Jaws, 14. Private owners of historical buildings ---- moisture control
wished he ---- it because the novel ---- many people to be and climate stability issues while renovating, or else these
scared of the sea afterwards. old buildings ---- in the long term.
A) was not writing / had caused A) must have dealt with / had not survived
B) had not written / caused B) had better deal with / will not survive
C) did not write / was going to cause C) had to deal with / did not survive
D) does not write / causes D) could have dealt with / are not surviving
E) has not written / has caused E) should deal with / have not survived
11. ---- the Rosetta Stone not been discovered, the lives of 15. Since dark chocolate lowers cholesterol and improves
pharaohs and ordinary Egyptians, as well as the details of blood pressure, eating it on a regular basis can be
their three-thousand-year history, ---- a mystery now. beneficial for your cardiovascular health ---- you do not
A) Had / would be
A) so long as
B) Should / will be
B) even if
C) As if / had been
C) as though
D) If / could be
D) after
E) Were / were
E) in case
12. We feel more connected to our natural surroundings and 16. Some people insist that a wide range of conflicts ---- in
are more likely to enjoy the advantages of spending time the world if all people ---- a universal language rather than
in nature ---- we appreciate them. distinct ones.
A) unless A) could be resolved / has spoken
B) before B) is resolved / speak
C) when C) would be resolved / spoke
D) although D) would have been resolved / had spoken
E) if only E) will be resolved / are speaking