Page 182 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 182
Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation (1)
5. Acupuncture, ---- involves inserting very tiny needles
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. into your skin at strategic spots on your body, is mostly
used to reduce pain caused by a variety of illnesses and
1. Our teacher tried to convince ---- to appreciate and conditions.
tolerate ---- viewpoints during the class debate, but it did A) where
not appear to work in our class.
B) who
A) his / other’s
C) when
B) us / each other’s
D) which
C) we / the other
E) whose
D) your / one another’s
E) him / any others
2. We ---- more aware of the importance of parent-child 6. Vitamin D helps with bone growth, healing, and immune
relationships as more data about the negative impacts of system function, ---- too much vitamin D intake can cause
family disruption on children ----. hypercalcemia or abnormally high blood calcium levels.
A) have become / were gathered A) and
B) become / had been gathered B) yet
C) became / have been gathered C) or
D) are becoming / are gathered D) nor
E) had become / would be gathered E) so
3. The Renaissance, which ---- by significant societal change, 7. A new team member ---- admirably in her first year and
---- a period in European history that marked the transition complete all work on schedule; otherwise, she ---- since
from the Middle Ages to modernity. she is unfit for teamwork.
A) had been characterised / would be A) can perform / would be fired
B) would have characterised / has been B) had better perform / must be fired
C) was characterised / was C) ought to perform / has to be fired
D) has been characterised / had been D) is able to perform / can be fired
E) is characterised / is E) must perform / may be fired
4. Actresses who ---- as mother and daughter in a film or a 8. I wish we ---- the Louvre Museum when we were in Paris;
TV show ---- alike and at least have the same eye or hair but unfortunately, it ---- closed on Sundays.
A) visited / has been
A) are supposed to act / must look B) have visited / can be
B) have to act / may look
C) would visit / is
C) must act / could look D) could have visited / was
D) had better act / are to look E) had visited / would be
E) may act / have to look