Page 183 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 183
Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation (1)
9. According to the United Nations, women’s involvement 13. According to US customs rules, if you travel on an
in resource management at the local level results in ---- international flight to the country with more than $10,000
and inclusive resource governance and ---- conservation in your possession, the customs officers ---- you ---- the
outcomes when implementing effective climate actions. amount you are carrying on a customs declaration form.
A) equal / a greater A) make / disclose
B) the most equal / greatest B) let / disclose
C) more equal / greater C) have / disclosed
D) a more equal / the greatest D) get / disclose
E) most equal / great E) make / to disclose
10. A marketing strategy is ---- a broad plan ---- it can include 14. Because some chemicals in tattoo inks ---- to be harmful
everything from choosing which channels to use to when used on or under the skin, the EU ---- the use of
contact your customers to figuring out who they are. certain tattoo inks.
A) such / that A) have shown / has been prohibited
B) so / as B) were shown / had prohibited
C) more / than C) showed / prohibited
D) too / to D) have been shown / has prohibited
E) so / that E) are shown / is prohibited
11. ---- who can easily describe their capabilities, moral codes, 15. Early in the week, one of the oldest track records ---- by a
or belief systems are the ones who have a rather strong female runner, Femke Bol, when she ---- a new world-best
understanding of ----. time in the indoor 400-metre track.
A) The ones / they A) was being broken / had set
B) Ones / them B) has been broken / is setting
C) These / theirs C) was broken / set
D) Those / themselves D) had been broken / had been setting
E) They / their E) is broken / has set
12. ---- Arctic is the most unusual place on earth; therefore, 16. Long before Christopher Columbus ---- his voyage in 1492,
it makes sense that people refer to it as mysterious and ancient Phoenicians, Polynesians, and Chinese mariners
enigmatic, considering that it is home to ---- miracles. ---- the oceans and seas of the planet.
A) An / any A) starts / have been exploring
B) The / much B) had started / had explored
C) The / each C) was starting / explored
D) Ø / several D) has started / explore
E) The / many E) started / had been exploring