Page 181 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 181

Fast Track to YDT - Conjunctions and Transition Words (2)

        9.  ---- pine forests cover vast areas of land, their role in   13. Factory  farming  has  become  highly  popular  in  the
           the  global  carbon  cycle  is  immense  and  cannot  be   modern era ---- consumers can have access to affordable
           understated.                                           animal-based products.

           A)  As though                                          A)  by the time
           B)  Even if                                            B)  even though
           C)  Given that                                         C)  as long as
           D)  In case                                            D)  in order that

           E)  Whereas                                            E)  provided that

        10. Many educators argue that video games should be used   14. A loss of appetite is a common symptom in some medical
           as a tool for learning and cognitive development ---- simply   conditions ---- it often arises from disruptions in the
           dismissed as a mindless form of entertainment.         mechanisms that control hunger and satiety signals.

           A)  as if                                              A)  even if
           B)  though                                             B)  because
           C)  lest                                               C)  just as
           D)  unless                                             D)  though
           E)  rather than                                        E)  once

        11. ---- the asteroid impact that occurred around 66 million   15. The circulatory system maintains a steady flow of blood
           years ago, dinosaurs went extinct, leaving the planet to be   throughout  the  body  ----  disrupted  by  external  factors
           dominated by mammals.                                  such as injury, illness, or disease.
           A)  In addition to                                     A)  when
           B)  Instead of                                         B)  unless
           C)  As a result of                                     C)  once
           D)  In terms of                                        D)  though

           E)  Notwithstanding                                    E)  since

        12. Human  hearing  is  a  complex  process  that  involves  the   16. Climate change is causing temperatures to increase and
           ears and the brain working together; ----, the ears capture   sea levels to rise; ----, some people still deny the existence
           sound  waves,  and  the  brain  interprets  them  as  specific   of this global phenomenon.
                                                                  A)  however
           A)  for example
                                                                  B)  as a result
           B)  moreover
                                                                  C)  instead
           C)  nonetheless
                                                                  D)  therefore
           D)  in addition
                                                                  E)  similarly
           E)  on the contrary

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