Page 176 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 176

Exercises - Conjunctions and Transition Words

        A) Complete the sentences using coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, so, for, yet, nor). More than one answer is possible.
           1.   The flowers in the backyard of the hotel are lovely, _____________ due to my allergies, I cannot get much closer to them.
           2.   Children who play computer games _____________ watch television instead of reading books may become narrow-minded.
           3.   The number of people who do not obey the traffic rules is increasing, _____________ the government has decided to increase the
                traffic fines.
           4.   Dora does not warm up to people instantly, _____________ is she generally impressed by praise when she meets new people.
           5.   The strangers took their seats at the table cheerfully, _____________ they were all starving, and the plates were filled with
                delicious meals.
           6.   Buckingham House, also known as The Queen’s House, was purchased by King George III in 1761 _____________ became a
                private residence for Queen Charlotte.

        B) Circle the correct word or phrase.
           1.   Now that / Even though oil is an essential natural resource, we must do all possible to conserve it.
           2.   Diamonds are widely used in industry to cut other hard materials on account of / despite being incredibly hard and practically
           3.   For the reason that / In spite of the fact that they are endangered creatures, rhinos are legally protected from poachers who kill
              them only for their horns.
           4.   Due to / Besides the adhesive pads on their feet, flies may easily walk on the ceiling.
           5.   In spite of / In view of not wanting to disrupt the conversation, I stood quietly and listened until I had a chance to offer my thoughts.
           6.   Seeing that / Although more than half of the world’s population is illiterate and unable to read the instructions on a medicine bottle,
              many medical experts are trying to overcome the literacy gap by teaching health care through visuals.
           7.   While / As most Europeans in the 15 century believed the world was flat and that a ship might sail off the end of the earth, several
              sailors at the time refused to go into unknown waters with explorers.

        C) Complete the following sentences by using conjunctions, prepositional phrases, or transitional words and phrases of
            concession and contrast. More than one answer can be correct.
           1.   _____________ being known for their powerful hind legs and hopping, kangaroos are also excellent swimmers, using their strong
              tails for propulsion.
           2.   _____________ when we observe the night sky, the celestial bodies always seem to captivate us with their beauty and mystery.
           3.   Patiently _____________ people waited for the arrival of the bus, it never came, and they finally decided to walk home instead.
           4.   Biochemistry is the study of molecules and chemical reactions in living things, _____________ biophysics is the study of the rules
              that govern the structures and processes of living things.
           5.   _____________ birds and reptiles, mammals are characterised by the presence of fur or hair on their bodies and glands that
              produce milk for their young.
           6.   It is important to follow the care instructions to maintain the quality of a piece of clothing, _____________ the type of fabric.
           7.   _____________ popular belief, the human brain does not stop developing in childhood but continues to change and reorganise
              throughout a person’s life.
           8.   Leafcutter ants are known for their impressive ability to carry leaves many times their size; _____________, they do not eat the
              leaves they collect. _____________, they use them to cultivate a fungus to feed their colony.

        D) Circle the correct conjunction.
           1.   Reading expands your horizons and knowledge. In addition to / Moreover, it helps you explore different perspectives and learn
              new information about the world around you.
           2.   By AD 1200, Zimbabwean gold and copper were exported to Syria and Jordan, as well as / such as other parts of Asia, in
              exchange for glass, beads, and Chinese porcelain.
           3.   Getting enough vitamin C in your diet can lower the risk of common health problems such as heart disease. Besides / Aside from,
              vitamin C is essential for your bones, teeth, and small blood vessels.
           4.   Books that are particularly expensive, rare, or fragile, as well as other works thought to require protection, are kept on closed
              access. In other words / For example, it is only available to the library staff.
           5.   Natural processes do not replenish non-renewable resources in a timely manner on a human timescale. Namely / For instance,
              fossil fuels, the most non-renewable energy sources, take millions of years to form.
           6.   One of the easiest ways to prevent type 2 diabetes is to eat wholesome plant foods and healthy fats. Similarly / That is, you can
              lower your risk by doing regular physical activity.
           7.   During the 20  century, the widespread adoption of intensive agricultural practices, what’s more / along with overgrazing and
              deforestation, contributed to the degradation of some agricultural lands.

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