Page 172 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 172

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

        9. Reduction of Clauses
        Aşağıdaki yapıların bulunduğu yan cümlelerde kısaltma yapabiliriz.

                           Time                Reason              Condition           Concession
                          Clauses              Clauses              Clauses              Clauses
                           after               because                 if                although
                           before                as                  unless              though
                           while                since                as if
                           when                                 whether … or not
                         as soon as

        A. Reduction of Time Clauses

        ⃣      Zaman bildiren cümlecikleri etken ve edilgen cümlelerde kısaltma yaparak kullanabiliriz. “After” kısaltmada atılabilir.
               ▪ After he completed his research related to the demography of Norway,  the scientist published his findings in a
                  peer -reviewed journal.
               ▪ After completing / having completed his research related to the demography of Norway, the scientist published his findings
                  in a peer-reviewed journal.
               ▪ Completing / Having completed his research related to the demography of Norway, the scientist published his findings in a
                  peer-reviewed journal.
        ⃣      Zaman bildiren cümlecikleri etken ve edilgen cümlelerde kısaltma yaparak kullanabiliriz. “After” kısaltmada atılabilir.
               ▪ After the research paper was / had been submitted, it was reviewed by the academic committee and several minor revisions were
               ▪ After being submitted / having been submitted, the research paper was reviewed by the academic committee and several
                  minor revisions were suggested.
               ▪ Being submitted / Having been submitted, the research paper was reviewed by the academic committee and several minor
                 revisions were suggested.
        Kısaltma yaparken “before” atılmaz.
               ▪ Before Mark began his presentation related to sports, he took a deep breath and reminded himself to speak clearly and
               ▪ Before beginning his presentation related to sports, Mark took a deep breath and reminded himself to speak clearly and
               ▪ Before workers were punished for late arrivals at the workplace, they were working in harmony to give their best.
               ▪ Before being punished for late arrivals at the workplace, workers were working in harmony to give their best.
        ⃣      Kısaltma yapılırken “while” atılabilir.

               ▪ While Sandra was driving home in a hurry, she noticed that she had left her bag in the office.
               ▪ While driving home in a hurry, Sandra noticed that she had left her bag in the office.
               ▪ Driving home in a hurry, Sandra noticed that she had left her bag in the office.
               ▪ While the TV show was being watched by children, it was harshly criticised by parents due to scenes containing violence.
               ▪ While being watched by children, the TV show was harshly criticised by parents due to scenes containing violence.

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