Page 170 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 170

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

        not only … but also …
        ⃣      “Sadece o değil, bu da” anlamına gelir ve olumlu fiillerle kullanılır.
               ▪ Vitamin D deficiency not only causes bone density loss but also lowers immunity.
               ▪ Deforestation is a threat not only for humans but also for the entire ecosystem.
        ⃣      “also” atılarak da cümle yapmak mümkündür.

               ▪ Artificial intelligence is not only  used in computer sciences but  utilised in many aspects of life, such as in the fields of translation and
               ▪ Bees notice sound not only with their antennae but with their sensitive body hair.
        ⃣      “not only … but also” ile aynı anlama gelen “not only … but … as well” bağlacı da kullanılabilir. Fakat “as well” cümle sonunda
               ▪ The Black Sea Region attracts tourists not only for its nature but for its architectural heritage as well.

        no sooner … than …
        ⃣      “… yapar yapmaz” anlamına gelir.
               ▪ I had no sooner stepped out of the door than it started to rain heavily.
               ▪ She had no sooner started the car than the engine burst into flame.
        hardly … when … / scarcely … when … / barely … when …
        ⃣      “… yapar yapmaz” anlamına gelirler.
               ▪ Jane had hardly / scarcely / barely eaten the mushroom soup when she lost consciousness.

               ▪ I had hardly / scarcely / barely left the office building when I saw an injured cat in the car park.
        8. Inversion

        “Inversion” bir cümle içinde sözcüklerin yerini değiştirerek oluşturulan devrik cümle yapısını elde etmek için kullanılır. Cümle sınırlayıcı
        anlama sahip ya da olumsuz anlam taşıyan bir kelime ile başlarsa, devrik yapı kullanılır.

          hardly ever            not until / not till   only then / only later  hardly / scarcely / barely ... when
          seldom                 not since              only by / only with   on no account
          as                     only if                not only … but also   under any circumstances
          than                   only when              no sooner … than      under no circumstances

        hardly ever / seldom

        “Neredeyse hiç, nadiren” anlamlarına gelirler.
               ▪ My daughter can hardly ever / seldom call me because she is on an Arctic expedition.
               ▪ Hardly ever / Seldom can my daughter call me because she is on an Arctic expedition.
        as / than
        ⃣      Karşılaştırmada kullanılan bu yapılardan sonra devrik cümle yapılabilir.

               ▪ In 2011, China was hit by a series of floods, and the central parts of the country were severely affected by the floods,
                  as were the southern regions of the country.
               ▪ Some people think that spinach contains much more iron than does beef.
        ⃣      “than” ile yapılan karşılaştırmalarda ikinci cümlenin fiili “be” ise ikinci cümlede devrik yapı kullanılmaz.
               ▪ Considering the reviews, the third season of the series is more thrilling than the previous ones.

        ⃣      “than” ile yapılan karşılaştırmalarda her iki cümlede de özne aynı ise devrik cümle yapılmaz.
               ▪ The manager of the company listened to the employees’ financial problems and increased their salaries more than he did
                  last year.

        not until / not till
        ⃣      “-e kadar –i yapmamak” anlamında kullanılırlar.
               ▪ The trains will not be able to operate until / till the damage is repaired.
               ▪ Not until / till the damage is repaired will the trains be able to operate.

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