Page 168 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 168

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

        5. Additional Support or Evidence
        A. Transitional Words and Phrases
        Genel olarak “bundan başka, buna ek olarak, dahası, ilaveten” anlamlarına gelirler. İkinci cümlenin başında kullanılır ve kendilerinden
        sonra virgül alırlar.
          besides                           furthermore                       additionally
          moreover                          in addition                       what’s more

              ▪ The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debate about the ethical and social implications of this technology.
                 Besides, AI is seen as a potential threat to the labour force due to its ability to replace humans in certain jobs.
              ▪ Social media may badly affect youngsters by limiting face-to-face interaction. Moreover, it may also lead to addiction and
                 further disconnect them from the real world.
              ▪ Studies have shown that Sudoku increases concentration and stimulates logical thinking. In addition, it reduces the risk of
                 developing dementia later in life.
              ▪ Playing a musical instrument can improve verbal memory, spatial reasoning, and literacy skills. Additionally, it has been proven
                 to relieve stress by lowering the heart rate and blood pressure.
        B. Prepositional Phrases
        Bu  yapılar  cümlede  ifade  edilen  durumu  ya  da  düşünceyi  desteklemek  amacıyla  kullanılır.  Cümlenin  başında  kullanıldığında
        kendinden sonra gelen cümleden virgülle ayrılır.
          as well as                besides                          noun / pronoun,
          with / along with         apart from                   +  gerund,                   main clause
          in addition to            aside from                       noun clause,

        as well as
        ⃣      “Olmakla beraber, kadar” anlamlarına gelir.
              ▪ Drinking enough water every day protects your spinal cord as well as boosts your immune system.
        with / along with
        ⃣      “İle birlikte, yanında” anlamlarına gelirler.
              ▪ Scientists believe that 66 million years ago, dinosaurs completely disappeared on Earth with / along with many other animals,
                 including flying reptiles called pterosaurs.
        in addition to
        ⃣      “İlave olarak, yanında” anlamlarına gelir.
              ▪ In addition to being durable, USB flash drives are also portable and compatible.

        “Bununla birlikte, yanı sıra ” anlamlarına gelir.
              ▪ Besides being a competent painter, Leonardo da Vinci was also a great engineer, sculptor, and architect.

        apart from / aside from
        ⃣      “Dışında, -den başka” anlamlarına gelir.
              ▪ Apart from / Aside from the compulsory courses, there are lots of elective courses that may appeal to you.
        6. Similarity, Explanation, and Exemplification
        Bu yapılar cümlede benzerlik ifade etme, açıklama yapma ve örnek verme amacıyla kullanılır.

        A. Transitional Words and Phrases
          Similarity        likewise             similarly
          Explanation       that is              that is to say       namely               in other words
          Exemplification   for example          for instance         to illustrate
        likewise / similarly
        ⃣      “Aynı şekilde, benzer biçimde” anlamlarına gelirler. Benzer olay ya da durumları ifade etmek amacıyla kullanılırlar.
              ▪ That young lady fed the stray cats in her neighbourhood, and likewise the ones living in the next block.
              ▪ Most of the human body is water; similarly, water makes up about 71 per cent of the Earth’s surface.

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