Page 173 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 173

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

        ⃣      Arka arkaya gerçekleşen olayları bağlıyorsa “on / upon + doing” kullanılır.
               ▪ When Clark arrived at the office, he recognised that he had left his computer at home.
               ▪ Upon / On arriving at the office, Clark recognised that he had left his computer at home.
        ⃣      “While” anlamında kullanıldığında kısaltma “when + doing” olarak yapılır.
               ▪ When I was studying for my final exams, I often found myself getting distracted by the noise outside.
               ▪ When studying for my final exams, I often found myself getting distracted by the noise outside.
               ▪ When it is taken in excessive amounts, each piece of medicine can be classified as poison.
               ▪ When taken in excessive amounts, each piece of medicine can be classified as poison.

        ⃣      “… den beri” anlamında kullanılır ve “since + doing / being done” şeklinde kısaltılır.
               ▪ Since people discovered the benefits of the Internet apart from communication, they have used it for many different purposes.
               ▪ Since discovering the benefits of the Internet apart from communication, people have used it for many different purposes.
               ▪ Since the budget was announced for the first time in January, it has gone through several changes.
               ▪ Since being announced / having been announced for the first time in January, the budget has gone through several changes.

        ⃣      Edilgen cümlelerde kısaltma kullanımı daha yaygındır.
               ▪ In most countries, people are not permitted to drive a vehicle until they get a driving licence at the age of 18.
               ▪ In most countries, people are not permitted to drive a vehicle until getting a driving licence at the age of 18.
               ▪ Until the book was published by a highly prestigious publishing house, it was meticulously checked by the editors.
               ▪ Until being published by a highly prestigious publishing house, the book was meticulously checked by the editors.

        as soon as
               ▪ As soon as the dog entered the house, it smelled every object one after another.
               ▪ As soon as entering the house, the dog smelled every object one after another.
               ▪ As soon as the report related to climate change was written by a specialist, it was checked by the committee.
               ▪ As soon as written by a specialist, the report related to climate change was checked by the committee.
               ▪ Once you have visited Edirne for touristic purposes, you should visit the Complex of Sultan Bayezid II Health Museum first.
               ▪ Once having visited Edirne for touristic purposes, you should visit the Complex of Sultan Bayezid II Health Museum first.
               ▪ Once a worker is treated unfairly by his colleagues, he loses his motivation and sense of belonging to the company.
               ▪ Once treated unfairly by his colleagues, a worker loses his motivation and sense of belonging to the company.
        C. Reduction of Reason Clauses
        because / as / since
        ⃣      Sebep-sonuç ilişkisi bildiren bu bağlaçları atarak “doing, being done / having done, having been done” getirilir.
               ▪ Because artificial intelligence has become a valuable part of our lives, it serves millions of people around the globe.
               ▪ Becoming a valuable part of our lives, artificial intelligence serves millions of people around the globe.

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