Page 175 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 175

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

                 Key Information

          ⃣      And ve or iki cümleyi bağlamanın haricinde iki veya daha fazla sözcüğü birleştirmek için de kullanılır.
                 ▪ She completed her work quickly and efficiently, impressing her boss with her productivity.
                 ▪ The bookshelf in my living room is filled with classic novels and travel guides from all around the world.
                 ▪ I am torn between watching a movie tonight or going for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather outside.
          ⃣      But “fakat, ama, ancak” anlamlarının yanı sıra “hariç, dışında” anlamlarında da kullanılır.
                 ▪ I have read all of the books in the series but the last one which has not been released yet.
                 ▪ Everyone but Kyle noticed that there was tension between the boss and manager.
          ⃣      So … that ve such … that yapıları devrik cümle ile de kullanılabilir.
                                           So + adjective / adverb + verb + subject + that
                 ▪ So exhausted was she after the long hike that she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
                 ▪ So quickly did the runner finish the race that he broke the previous record by several seconds.
                                       Such + (a / an) + adjective + noun + verb + subject + that
                 ▪ Such a difficult maths problem was assigned by the teacher that even the top students in the class could not solve it.
          ⃣      “Lest” subjunctive (omitted should) yapısı ile de kullanılabilir.
                 ▪ Andy keeps his voice low while talking on the phone lest he wake up (=should wake up) the baby sleeping in the next room.
          ⃣      To, in order to ve so as to “-mek / -mak için, -mek / -mak amacıyla” anlamlarına gelmektedir. Ancak cümlede bir nesne yer
              aldığında “to” nesneyi, “in order to” ve “so as to” ise özneyi niteler.
                 ▪ The professor wanted the students to analyse the text and express their ideas about it. (nesne)
                    (Profesör, öğrencilerden metni incelemelerini ve bu konudaki fikirlerini ifade etmelerini istedi.)
                 ▪ The professor talked to the students to in order to / so as to understand their level of readiness. (özne)
                    (Profesör, hazırbulunuşluk düzeylerini anlamak için öğrencilerle konuştu.)
          ⃣     Though cümle sonunda “but / yet” anlamında da kullanılır.
                 ▪ The weather forecast predicted rain for the weekend. We are still planning to go camping, though.
                 ▪ The weather forecast predicted rain for the weekend, but / yet we are still planning to go camping.
          ⃣      Contrary to, “contrary to popular / common belief” ve “contrary to all expectations” kullanımları ile yaygın bir şekilde kullanılır.
                 ▪ Contrary to common belief, the Great Wall of China is not visible from space with the naked eye.
                 ▪ Contrary to all expectations, the underdog team managed to win the championship title at the end of the season.
          ⃣      However iki bağımsız cümleyi bağlamanın yanı sıra özneden sonra ya da cümle sonunda da kullanılabilir.
                 ▪ The study found a correlation between increased exercise and decreased risk of heart disease. However, further research is
                    needed to determine causation.
                 ▪ The study found a correlation between increased exercise and decreased risk of heart disease. Further research, however, is
                    needed to determine causation.
                 ▪ The study found a correlation between increased exercise and decreased risk of heart disease. Further research is needed to
                    determine causation, however.
          ⃣      Besides hem iki cümleyi anlamca birbirine bağlayan bir geçiş sözcüğü hem de peşinden isim ya da ismin yerini tutan herhangi
              bir yapı gelen bir edattır.
                 ▪ The candidate had impressive qualifications and experience. Besides, her references spoke highly of her work ethic and
                    interpersonal skills.
                 ▪ Besides the limitations of the study’s sample size, the research was also constrained by the lack of diversity among participants.
          ⃣      Also daha önce bahsedilen bir şeyi vurgulamak veya yeni bir bilgi eklemek için kullanılır. Hem iki cümleyi anlamca birbirine
              bağlayan bir geçiş sözcüğü hem de cümle ortasında zarf olarak kullanılır.
                 ▪ The novel provides a vivid portrayal of life in the 19  century, and it also offers insights into the social and political issues of
                    the time.
                 ▪ The new software improves the efficiency of the system; also, it enhances the user experience with its intuitive interface.
          ⃣      Such as yapısında, “such” ve “as” sözcüklerinin arasına çoğul bir sözcük ya da bir söz öbeği gelebilir.
                 ▪ The book has lots of quotations from such famous philosophers as Socrates, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Immanuel Kant.
                   (=The book has lots of quotations from famous philosophers such as Socrates, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Immanuel Kant.)
          ⃣      Indeed, “aslında” anlamına gelmektedir ve daha önce bahsedilen bir şeye yeni bir bilgi eklemek için kullanılır.
                 ▪ The study found that exercise improved cardiovascular health. Indeed, the researchers observed a decrease in blood pressure
                    among participants.
                 ▪ Seniors often like to set routines, take up a hobby, or engage in a physical activity. Indeed, these traits in older people can be
                    considered a shield that will protect them as they step into retirement.

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