Page 165 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 165

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

              ▪ Wooden sandals and clogs protect the feet from burning hot sand and spiky plants whereas / while / whilst leather shoes offer
                 protection from all types of weather in Africa.
        even if
        ⃣      “-se / -sa bile” ve “-e rağmen” anlamlarında kullanılır.
              ▪ Even if you cannot afford solar panels for your rooftop, there are still many ways to support renewable energy
                 and reduce your carbon footprint.
        much as / much though
        ⃣      “Her ne kadar … ise de” anlamına gelir ve “although” bağlacı ile kullanımları benzerdir.
              ▪ Much as / Much though technology has improved our lives in many ways, it has also brought new challenges and concerns
                 regarding issues like privacy and security.

        adjective / adverb + as
        adjective / adverb + though

        ⃣      “… olduysa da” anlamında kullanılır.
              ▪ Cautious as / though drivers are on the road, there is always a risk of accidents occurring due to factors beyond their
        however + adjective / adverb
        no matter + question word
        regardless of + question word
        ⃣      “However” ve “no matter” aynı anlamı taşıyan zıtlık bildiren bağlaçlardır. “… olduysa da, her … olursa olsun” anlamlarına gelirler.
            “Although / Though” anlamlarına gelseler de daha güçlü bir vurguya sahiptirler.
              ▪ However easy a task may seem, it is important to follow the proper procedure to avoid mistakes and ensure the best outcome.
              ▪ No matter how easy a task may seem, it is important to follow the proper procedure to avoid mistakes and ensure the best
        ⃣      No matter + question word yapısı anlam olarak “whoever, whatever, wherever, whenever, whichever” ya da “Regardless of who /
            what / where / when / which” yapıları ile verebiliriz.
              ▪ Wherever environmental conditions are suitable to regenerate and thrive, diverse forms of life will appear to take advantage of
                 the natural resources available.
              ▪ No matter where / Regardless of where environmental conditions are suitable to regenerate and thrive, diverse forms of life will
                 appear to take advantage of the natural resources available.
              ▪ Whoever conducts an experiment, its outcome does not change if the underlying conditions and variables remain the same.
              ▪ No matter who / Regardless of who conducts an experiment, its outcome does not change if the underlying conditions and
                 variables remain the same.
              ▪ However punctual one tries to be, punctuality is not always guaranteed and can be especially difficult to maintain when life
                 becomes hectic.
              ▪ No matter how / Regardless of how  punctual one tries to be, punctuality is not always guaranteed and can be especially difficult
                 to maintain when life becomes hectic.

        B. Prepositional Phrases
        Bu yapılar, ana cümle ile yan cümleyi zıt veya çelişkili durumlarda bağlamak için kullanılır ve kendilerinden sonra isim veya isim fiil gelir.

          despite                    unlike
          in spite of                in contrast with
          for all                    in contrast to                      pronoun,
          notwithstanding            contrary to                  +      gerund,                main clause
          regardless of              as opposed to                       the fact that,
                                                                         noun clause,
          irrespective of            rather than
          different from             instead of

        despite / in spite of / for all
        ⃣      Bu bağlaçlar “-e rağmen” anlamına gelirler. “Although” ile eş anlamlıdırlar.

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