Page 161 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 161

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

        thanks to
              ▪ Thanks to Artificial Intelligence technologies, companies can predict what products customers want to buy based on their
                 purchase histories.
        on account of
              ▪ Flights to all directions were cancelled on account of the stormy and foggy weather in the region.
        on (the) grounds of
              ▪ On the grounds of their age, the couple’s application for adoption was rejected.
        in view of
              ▪ The successful musician announced that she took a break from music for a while in view of the problem with her vocal cords.
        in / by virtue of
              ▪ In / By virtue of his scientific imagination, Leonardo da Vinci helped revolutionise the Renaissance with groundbreaking
        inventions, such as the parachute and flying machines.
        C. Transitional Words and Phrases
        Neden-sonuç ilişkisi kuran sözcük ya da sözcük gruplarıdır. “Bu yüzden, bu sebeple, bu nedenle, böylece, dolayısıyla, onun için”
        anlamlarına gelirler. Bu sözcük ya da sözcük gruplarının büyük bir çoğunluğu iki cümle arasında kullanılır ve sonuç cümlesinin
        başında yer alır. Birinci cümlenin sonuna nokta yerine noktalı virgül konarak da ikinci cümleye devam edilebilir.
          therefore                 thereby                  so                        as a result
          hence                     accordingly              that’s why                as a consequence

          thus                      consequently             for this reason           on this / that account

              ▪ Many climate scientists are concerned that our impact on the climate could result in abrupt change. Therefore, CO  reductions
                 must be taken seriously right away.
              ▪ Many climate scientists are concerned that our impact on the climate could result in abrupt change. CO  reductions must
                 therefore be taken seriously right away.
              ▪ The precision and efficiency of 3D printing have made it a powerful tool for various industries. Hence, its popularity and
                 applications are steadily increasing.
              ▪ An unmanned spacecraft designed by NASA encountered a critical malfunction in its engine and hence could not continue its
                 mission as planned.
              ▪ Patients with certain medical conditions may require alternative treatments that differ from conventional methods, hence
                 the need for personalised care plans.
              ▪ The formation of canyons is more common in arid regions. Thus, desert areas are more likely to feature canyons than other
              ▪ Eating healthy provides essential nutrients and energy for the body, and one can thus improve overall physical and mental
                 well-being by making conscious food choices.
              ▪ Studying geography provides students with a better understanding of the world around them, thus increasing their awareness
                 of different environments and societies.
              ▪ Adults of all ages should engage in regular physical activity, eat a healthier diet, get enough sleep, and thereby reduce their
                 risk of developing heart disease.
              ▪ When rivers overflow their banks, wetlands have the capacity to hold or even absorb the excess water, thereby helping to
                 control flooding.
              ▪ Antioxidants are renowned for their ability to protect cells from the damage that free radicals cause. Accordingly, incorporating
                 antioxidant-rich foods into your diet may have numerous health benefits.

              ▪ Sharks’ bodies are made of cartilage, which gives them a flexible and agile form. Consequently, they are able to move more
                 quickly and efficiently through the water.

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