Page 159 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 159

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

             Cause:   They want to avoid the risk of landslides in these areas.
             Effect:    The locals levelled the sloping land in the form of steps and terraced it.
              ▪ The locals levelled the sloping land in the form of steps and terraced it because they wanted to avoid the risk of landslides in
                 these areas.
              ▪ Because  the locals wanted to avoid the risk of landslides in these areas, they levelled the sloping land in the form of
                 steps and terraced it.
              ▪ As camels generally live in dry and dusty environments, their eyelashes are often particularly long.
              ▪ There are children who cannot go out during the day since they are allergic to the sun.
        inasmuch as
              ▪ The woodcutter was unable to light a fire inasmuch as the woods that had been under the rain for a long time were wet.

        seeing that/as
              ▪ Seeing that/as the hours when people leave work are the rush hours of traffic, it may take at least two hours longer than usual
        to go from one place to another.
        being that/as
              ▪ Being that/as it is tough to find a job in less developed areas, people want to move to big cities.
        ⃣      Cümlenin başında yer alamaz; onun yerine cümle başında “because” veya “since” gibi bağlaçlar kullanılmalıdır.
              ▪ I do not prefer going on holiday alone, for my English is not good enough.
              ▪ For / Because / Since my English is not good enough, I do not prefer going on holiday alone.

        in that
        ⃣      “Çünkü, bakımından” anlamlarına gelir ve cümle ortasında kullanılır.
              ▪ The most important basis for the treatment of diabetes is a healthy diet in that foods are the main source of blood sugar.
        now that
        ⃣      “Şimdi artık … olduğuna göre” anlamında kullanılır. Fiili geçmiş zamanda olan bir cümle ile kullanılamaz.
              ▪ We can proceed with the meeting now that all the board members are ready in the meeting room.
        on the grounds that
        ⃣      “Gerekçesiyle” anlamında kullanılır.
              ▪ The project was rejected by the CEO of the company on the grounds that it would be too costly.
        it’s because … that
        ⃣      “Sebebiyle, -den dolayı, yüzünden” anlamlarına gelir.
              ▪ It’s because more goods can be produced in many areas compared to the past that we have a higher standard of living.
        for the reason that
              ▪ Black clothes become hotter in summer for the reason that the colour black absorbs all the light.
        given that
              ▪ The re-election of the old school president is shocking, given that he has not kept any of his promises.
        so … that
        ⃣      Ana cümlede ifade edilen eylem veya durumun sonucu yan cümlede verilir. Cümlelerin arasında zaman uyumu olmak zorunda

              so + adjective / adverb + that
              ▪ The performance of the dancers was so fascinating that the audience gave a standing ovation for minutes at the end of the
              ▪ At the conference, the speaker was speaking so fast that everyone had difficulty in understanding.
              so + few / little / many / much + (noun) + that
              ▪ There were so few apples in the fridge that my plan to make an apple pie became a dream.
              ▪ After a very tiring day, James has had so little rest that he does not know how to get to work tomorrow.
              ▪ There is so much edible salt that people get confused about which one is healthier.

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