Page 157 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 157

Topic Summary - Conjunctions and Transition Words

                   What is in this unit?

             • Coordinating Conjunctions      • Concession and Contrast        • Paired Conjunctions
             • Cause and Effect               • Additional Support or Evidence    • Reduction of Clauses
             • Purpose                        • Similarity, Explanation, and Exemplification

            In this unit you will learn to use …
                • Coordinating Conjunctions
                  - and, but, so, nor, yet, for
                • Cause and Effect
                  - A) Conjunctions:  because, seeing that, for, it’s because … that, as, seeing as, in that, for the reason that, since, being that,
                         now that, given that, inasmuch as, being as, on the grounds that, so / such … that
                  - B) Prepositional Phrases:  as a result of, thanks to, as a consequence of, on account of, because of, on (the) grounds of,
                         due to, in view of, owing to, in / by virtue of
                  - C) Transitional Words and Phrases: therefore, thereby, so, as a result, hence, accordingly, that’s why, as a consequence,
                          thus, consequently, for this reason, on this / that account
                • Purpose
                  - A) Conjunctions:  so that, in the event that, in case, in order that, for fear that, lest
                  - B) Prepositional Phrases:  in order (not) to, so as (not) to, for the purpose of, with a view to, with the aim of, for fear of,
                         in the event of
                • Concession and Contrast
                  - A) Conjunctions:  although, much as, even though, much though, though, adjective / adverb + as, whereas,
                         adjective / adverb + though, while, however + adjective / adverb, whilst, no matter + question word, even if,
                         regardless of + question word
                  - B) Prepositional Phrases:  despite, unlike, in spite of, in contrast with, for all, in contrast to, notwithstanding, contrary to,
                         regardless of, as opposed to, irrespective of, rather than, different from, instead of
                  - C) Transitional Words and Phrases:  however, still, quite the contrary, nevertheless, but still, in contrast, nonetheless,
                          yet still, (on the one hand) ... on the other hand, notwithstanding, but … anyway, instead, but, not … but rather, even so,
                          yet, on the contrary, all the same
                • Additional Support or Evidence
                  - A) Transitional Words and Phrases:  besides, furthermore, additionally, moreover, in addition, what’s more
                  - B) Prepositional Phrases:  as well as, besides, with / along with, apart from, in addition to, aside from
                • Similarity, Explanation, and Exemplification
                  - A) Transitional Words and Phrases:  likewise, similarly, that is, that is to say, namely, in other words, for example,
                         for instance, to illustrate
                  - B) Prepositional Phrases:  such as, like
                • Paired Conjunctions
                  - both … and …, neither … nor …,  hardly … when …, whether … or …, not only … but also …,  scarcely … when …,
                    either … or …, no sooner … than …, barely … when …
                  - Inversion: hardly ever, not until / not till, only then / only later, hardly/scarcely/barely ... when, seldom, not since,
                    only by / only with, on no account, as, only if, not only … but also, under any circumstances, than, only when,
                    no sooner … than, under no circumstances
                • Reduction of Clauses
                  - A) Adverbial Clauses:   before, after, when, while, because
                  - B) Time Clauses:    after, before, while, when, since, until, as soon as, once
                  - C) Reason Clauses:   because, as, since
                  - D) Condition Clauses:   if, unless, as if, whether … or not
                  - E) Concession Clauses:   although, though


                  Bölümler  Vocabulary  Grammar  Cloze  Sentence   Completion  Paragraph   Comprehension  Dialogue  Restatement  Situation  Paragraph   Completion  Translation      Eng – Tur  Translation       Tur – Eng  Irrelevant  Toplam

             Soru Sayısı  5     10     5      8     15      5     5      5     5      6     6      5     80

             Yüzdelik   6,25%  12,5%  6,25%  10%  18,75% 6,25%  6,25%  6,25%  6,25%  7,5%  7,5%  6,25%  100%

   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162