Page 205 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 205

Exercises - Gerunds and Infinitives

          8. The young athlete was very proud of __________________ (come) first in the race since __________________
            (win) a gold medal was her lifelong dream.
          9.  Parents should discourage their children from __________________  (spend) too much time on screens,
             considering the risk of __________________ (develop) chronic neck and back problems.
          10.  After so many hours without __________________  (inform) the passengers about the delays, the railroad
              company apologised for __________________ (cause) the disruption in the service.
          11.  The school management seems to have succeeded in __________________ (establish) a sense of environmental
              consciousness in students since you cannot see them _______________ (litter) in the school.
          12.  The revised insurance policy resulted in the driver __________________ (pay) for services that would otherwise
              have been covered by the insurance company.
          13.  I appreciate the company’s __________________ (follow) all safety rules in order to eliminate workplace injury
              risks in the construction area.
          14.  Canan Dağdeviren has caught interest in the scientific world by __________________ (win) a prestigious prize
              for her studies on biocompatible devices as well as __________________ (select) as a Junior Fellow to the
              Harvard University Society of Fellows.
          15.  The high accommodation prices deterred the young couple from __________________ (spend) their summer
              vacation abroad.
          16.  The officer admitted __________________ (bribe) after the surveillance camera footage was exposed in court.

        D) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of infinitives. Use the verbs in brackets. More than
             one answer is possible.

          1. Municipalities have enough money and time __________________ (invest) in infrastructure development projects
            that can enhance the quality of life for their residents.
          2. Children’s literature might __________________ (have) a significant influence on the development of a child’s
            imagination as well as their passion for reading.
          3. The Louvre Museum’s vast collection of masterpieces from various eras and cultures is a cultural landmark
            __________________ (visit) once in a lifetime.
          4. Patients who did not have serious health problems were made __________________  (wait) longer for their
            scheduled appointments to accommodate more urgent cases.
          5. The manager is pleased __________________  (finish) the project ahead of schedule and under budget and
            commends the team for their hard work and dedication.
          6. One remarkable fact about penguins is that each species has a unique call, allowing individuals __________________
            (find) their mate and chicks in large colonies.
          7. The company’s financial problems are said __________________ (solve) after implementing a series of measures
            aimed at reducing costs and increasing revenue.

          8. It takes a lot of time __________________ (master) playing the piano, but the hard work and dedication pay off in
            the end.
          9. The famous tennis player appears __________________  (gain) support among fans with her remarkable
            performances in recent tournaments.
          10.  A well-known retail chain was reported __________________ (declare) bankrupt last month, resulting in the
              closure of stores and job losses.
          11.  During medical emergencies, doctors have the patients __________________  (keep) calm and
              __________________ (follow) instructions to avoid exacerbating the situation.
          12.  According to the most recent survey of employees, the company’s efforts to listen to their concerns and help them
              seem __________________ (make) their jobs better.
          13.  The interview needed __________________ (postpone) because the interviewer had a family emergency and
              could not make it to the meeting.

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