Page 208 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 208

Fast Track to YDT - Gerunds and Infinitives (1)

                                                               5.  The audience was shocked due to his ---- the stage
          Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
          sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                            unexpectedly, but the famous actor did not appreciate ----
                                                                  during his serious performance.
        1.  At the concert, I had the opportunity ---- Rihanna in person,   A)  leaving / being interrupted
           and ---- her face to face left me feeling incredibly excited
           and happy.                                             B)  being left / to interrupt

           A)  meeting / see                                      C)  having left / interrupted
           B)  to be meeting / to see                             D)  to leave / interrupting
                                                                  E)  left / to have been interrupted
           C)  to be met / to be seeing

           D)  being met / seen
           E)  to meet / seeing

        2.  Evidence-based research is needed to determine whether   6.  Despite ---- considerably younger than the rest of the
           ----  interventions  targeting  the  social  determinants  of   children, Alan demonstrated an assertive attitude and
           health as ---- health disparities among populations is   demanded ---- in the game they were playing.
           crucial for a sustainable healthcare system.
                                                                  A)  to be / to include
           A)  prioritising / being reduced
                                                                  B)  having been / included
           B)  to prioritise / reducing
                                                                  C)  be / include
           C)  having prioritised / to reduce
                                                                  D)  being / to be included
           D)  to have prioritised / reduced
                                                                  E)  been / being included
           E)  to be prioritised / to be reducing

        3.  John was the only parent ---- concerns over the school’s   7.  The  Kelseys wanted ---- prosperity to their  children  as
           decision to cut funding for extracurricular activities, but   much as they could; however, they now regret ---- him by
           he decided ---- action by contacting local businesses to   providing too many material possessions and numerous
           request donations for the programmes.                  opportunities.

           A)  to raise / to take                                 A)  giving / spoiling
           B)  raising / having taken                             B)  having given / to spoil
           C)  to have raised / taking                            C)  to be giving / spoiled
           D)  to be raising / to be taking                       D)  to have given / being spoiled

           E)  raised / taken                                     E)  to give / having spoiled

        4.  Many parents are opposed to ---- their children to social    8.  The mayor managed to complete ---- the new skyscraper
           media due to harmful content, so they resort to ---- them   on time  with the  help of municipality members  and he
           in extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, or   was very pleased because of ---- by the citizens at the
           community service.                                     ceremony.

           A)  be exposed / engaged                               A)  to erect / having been applauded
           B)  having exposed / being engaged                     B)  to have erected / applaud
           C)  exposing / engaging                                C)  erecting / being applauded
           D)  having been exposed / to engage                    D)  being erected / to be applauded
           E)  being exposed / having engaged                     E)  having erected / applauding

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