Page 210 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 210

Fast Track to YDT - Gerunds and Infinitives (2)

                                                               5.  For many decades, environmentalists across the world
          Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
          sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                            have been struggling ---- our nature, but it is not only their
                                                                  responsibility; we are all obliged ---- the world we live in.
        1.  The vast majority of Danes would prefer ---- to work rather   A)  protecting / saving
           than ---- in all types of weather and at all times of the day
           as their main mode of transportation.                  B)  to protect / save

           A)  cycling / to have driven                           C)  protect / to be saving
           B)  cycle / to be driving                              D)  to protect / to save
                                                                  E)  to be protected / to be saved
           C)  to be cycling / to drive
           D)  to cycle / drive
           E)  to have cycled / driving

        2.  Most countries took action ---- pesticide use due to the   6.  The Naples area of Italy is known for ---- one of the world’s
           serious danger they pose to bees, whose pollination work   highest volcanic risks, and ---- effects of a potential
           is essential to ---- a healthy environment.            eruption is a top priority for local authorities.

           A)  to ban / maintaining                               A)  to have / to mitigate
           B)  to be banned / be maintained                       B)  having had / mitigate
           C)  having banned / being maintained                   C)  have / to be mitigating
           D)  to have banned / have been maintaining             D)  to be having / be mitigated
           E)  being banned/ maintain                             E)  having / mitigating

        3.  If you do not stop ---- sugar in excess amounts, it can harm   7.  Throughout history, people have preferred ---- near rivers
           your health by ---- your risk of tooth decay, heart disease,   because there is easily available water for irrigation, and
           and metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes.      the soil along the riverbanks is fertile enough ---- crops.
           A)  to consume / having increased                      A)  to have settled / to be grown

           B)  consuming  / increasing                            B)  to settle / growing
           C)  to be consumed / to increase                       C)  settling / to grow
           D)  being consumed / to have increased                 D)  to be settling / grow
           E)  consume / being increased                          E)  settle / to grow

        4.  One benefit of ---- trees in urban areas is that they provide   8.  Roger Federer, a successful tennis player who became
           shade and release water vapour, which helps ---- hot city   the first man ---- ten consecutive Grand Slam tournament
           streets.                                               finals, announced his decision ---- last year.
           A)  growing / cool                                     A)  reaching / to be retired
           B)  to grow / cooling                                  B)  to reach / to retire

           C)  having grown / being cooled                        C)  to have reached / retiring
           D)  to be growing / to cool                            D)  to be reached / being retired
           E)  being grown / to be cooled                         E)  reach / to have retired

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