Page 214 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 214

Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation (2)

                                                               5.  If only people ---- judging others based on superficial
          Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
          sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                            qualities like appearance, we ---- on getting to know each
                                                                  other as individuals.
        2018 YDT                                                  A)  could stop / will have been able to focus
        1.  The first woman to cycle around the world was the
           Latvian-American  Annie  Kopchovsky  who  ----  financial   B)  have stopped / would be able to focus
           sponsorship in return for ---- an advertised placard on her   C)  stopped / should have been able to focus
                                                                  D)  stop / could be able to focus
           A)  had received / to be hung
                                                                  E)  would stop / might be able to focus
           B)  was receiving / to hang
           C)  has been receiving / being hung
           D)  received / hanging

           E)  would receive / having hung

        2022 YDT
        2.  Of all the planets ---- the Sun, Earth is the only one with   6.  Sam ---- his parents ---- him follow his passion for the arts
           an atmosphere that contains enough oxygen and the right   as a career instead of pressuring him to choose a more
           temperatures ---- life.                                traditional path.
           A)  having surrounded / supporting                     A)  could wish / would have let

           B)  surrounding / to support                           B)  has wished / will let
           C)  to surround / to have supported                    C)  wishes / would let
           D)  to have surrounded / having supported              D)  would wish / let
           E)  to be surrounding / support                        E)  wished / have let

        3.  Leonardo da Vinci ---- usher in a new era of knowledge and   7.  Although ---- in 1597, Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
           discovery, enabling humanity ---- incredible advances in   ---- one of the most popular and widely performed plays in
           the fields of engineering, medicine, and art.          the world today.

           A)  was helping / to be made                           A)  publishing / is going to remain
           B)  would help / making                                B)  being published / will remain
           C)  had helped / having made                           C)  having been published / has remained
           D)  helped / to make                                   D)  published / remains

           E)  has helped / to have made                          E)  to be published / remained

        4.  There is some evidence that consuming too much salt ----   8.  The people of Mesoamerica ---- the first in the world to
           the heart, aorta, and kidneys without ---- blood pressure   master the art of chocolate production ---- the process to a
           and may also be bad for bones.                         whole new level.
           A)  could harm / raising                               A)  had been / to have been
           B)  must harm / being raised                           B)  were / taking

           C)  may harm / having raised                           C)  used to be / being taken
           D)  would harm / to be raising                         D)  would be / having been taken
           E)  can harm / having been raised                      E)  have been / to be taking

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