Page 221 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 221

Topic Summary - Noun Clauses

            -      What is in this unit?

                                                     NOUN CLAUSES
            ▪Gerunds Forming Noun Clauses (That Clauses)     ▪Reporting Questions
            ▪Noun Clauses with “If & Whether’’               ▪Reporting Imperatives & Other reporting verbs
            ▪Noun Clauses with a Question Word               ▪Subjunctive in Noun Clauses
            ▪“-ever’’ Words in Noun Clauses                  ▪Exclamations in Noun Clauses
            ▪Reduction in Noun Clauses                       ▪Usage of "so’’, "not" and "but" in Noun Clauses
            ▪Reported Speech                                 ▪Auxiliaries; "too, as well," and "either"
                                                             ▪Auxiliaries; "so + inversion" and "neither/nor + inversion"

               In this unit, you will learn to …

                  • form noun clauses beginning with “that”.
                    - It is an undeniable fact that recycling has a significant impact on the environment.
                  • form noun clauses with “If & Whether”.
                    - The majority of doctors doubt whether / if taking supplements is actually required.
                  • form noun clause with a question word.
                    - Archaeology gives us an opportunity to see where past civilisations succeeded and where they failed.
                  • use “-ever” words in noun clauses.
                    - These plants can grow wherever the weather is mostly rainy during spring.
                  • make reductions in noun clauses.
                    - Parents have different views on when to provide their children with a mobile phone.
                  • report statements.
                    - In the preface of his famous book Kitab-i Bahriye, Piri Reis said that his purpose in writing such a book was to give
                      information about ports, coasts, and islands by drawing them on maps.
                  • report questions.
                    - Throughout history, philosophers have wanted to know what the source of knowledge is.
                  • report imperatives and use other reporting verbs.
                    - Authorities warned citizens to seek shelter in safe places before the hurricane.
                  • use subjunctive in noun clauses.
                    - Nutrition experts recommend that everybody use milk products every day.
                  • use exclamations in noun clauses.
                    - All the guests commented on what a beautiful place it was and what a fabulous day.
                  • use “so’’, “not” and “but” in noun clauses.
                    - Female students mostly take advantage of the tutoring services in the school, but male students don’t.
                  • use auxiliaries; “too, as well,” and “either”.
                    - Many companies are investing in renewable energy sources to minimise its impact on the environment and they
                      are donating to environmental charities, as well.
                  • use auxiliaries; “so” and “neither / nor “ in inversions.
                    - The Internet does not sleep, neither do virtual scammers.


                   Bölümler  Vocabulary  Grammar  Cloze   Test  Sentence   Completion  Paragraph   Comprehension  Dialogue  Restatement  Situation  Paragraph   Completion  Translation    Eng – Tur  Translation  Tur – Eng  Irrelevant  Toplam

             Soru Sayısı   5     10     5      8    15      5     5      5     5      6     6      5     80

             Yüzdelik    6,25%  12,5%  6,25%  10%  18,75% 6,25%  6,25%  6,25%  6,25%  7,5%  7,5%  6,25%  100%

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