Page 226 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 226

Topic Summary - Noun Clauses

                                                  POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES
                                       DIRECT SPEECH                 INDIRECT SPEECH
                                             my                           his / her

                                             your                     my / his / her / our
                                             our                            their

              ä “My research suggests that there is a correlation between exercise and improved cognitive function,” said the professor.
           ▪ The professor said that her research suggested that there was a correlation between exercise and improved cognitive function.

                                                   REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS
                                   DIRECT SPEECH                         INDIRECT SPEECH

                                       myself                              himself / herself
                                  yourself / yourselves        myself / himself / herself / ourselves / themselves
                                      ourselves                              themselves

              ä “I feel nervous before the exam and I use some relaxation techniques to calm myself down,” said the participant in the survey.
           ▪ The participant in the survey said that she felt nervous before the exam and she used some relaxation techniques to calm
             herself down.
        Tense Changes in Reported Speech

               Direct Speech         Reported Speech                            Example
                                                         “I study every day,” she said. → She said she studied every day.
          Present Simple          Past Simple

                                                         “I am studying right now,” he said. → He said he was studying
          Present Continuous      Past Continuous        right then.

                                                         “I have completed my project,” they said. → They said they had
          Present Perfect         Past Perfect           completed their project.
                                                         “I have been working on this for two hours,” she said. → She said
          Present Perfect Continuous  Past Perfect Continuous  she had been working on it for two hours.

                                                         “I went to the store yesterday,” he said. → He said he had gone to
          Past Simple             Past Perfect           the store the day before.

                                                         “I was reading when she came in,” he said. → He said he had
          Past Continuous         Past Perfect Continuous  been reading when she came in.

                                                         “I had finished the report before the meeting,” she said. → She
          Past Perfect            Past Perfect           said she had finished the report before the meeting.

                                                         “I had been waiting for an hour when he arrived,” she said. → She
          Past Perfect Continuous  Past Perfect Continuous  said she had been waiting for an hour when he arrived.

                                                         “I will help you tomorrow,” he said. → He said he would help me
          Future Simple           Would                  the next day.

                                                         “I will be working at that time,” she said. → She said she would be
          Future Continuous       Would be V             working at that time.
                                                         “I will have finished by then,” he said. → He said he would have
          Future Perfect          Would have + V         finished by then.
                                                         “I will have been studying for six hours,” she said. → She said she
          Future Perfect Continuous Would have + been + V  would have been studying for six hours.

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