Page 229 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 229
Topic Summary - Noun Clauses
7. Reporting Questions
Aktarma cümlesinde soru kelimesi (where, when, who, …) aktarma ifadesinden (ask, wonder, …) hemen sonra gelir ve devamında
cümle, soru cümlesi olarak değil, düz cümle olarak yazılır.
ä Direct Speech: “What are the threats to the survival of the tigers?”
▪ Reported Speech: They asked what the threats to the survival of the tigers were.
Yardımcı fiille başlayan Yes / No sorularını aktarırken aktarma ifadesinden sonra “if / whether” kullanılır ve soru cümlesi düz cümle
sıralanışı ile kullanılır.
ä Direct Speech: “Were the tigers studied extensively in the past?”
▪ Reported Speech: They asked whether / if the tigers had been studied extensively in the past.
Soru cümlelerini aktarırken zaman, yer ve zaman zarfları, zamir gibi değişiklikler için düz cümleleri aktarırken uyguladığımız kurallar
geçerlidir. Ancak, soru cümlelerini aktarırken artık “ask, say” ve “tell” sözcükleri yerine, “want to know, wonder, ask, inquire, question,
ponder” gibi fiiller tercih edilir. Bu fiillerden “ask” nesne zamiri de alabilen bir fiildir.
▪ They wondered how the ancient civilization collapsed.
▪ The historian wanted to know if there were any surviving documents from the time period.
▪ The researcher inquired whether the findings of the previous study were still valid.
▪ The philosopher pondered what impact the invention of printing had on society.
Özne soruları aktarılırken cümle sıralanışı değişmez.
▪ The scholars asked who might be the author of those manuscripts.
8. Reporting Imperatives
Emir cümlelerini aktarırken, “ask, beg, command, forbid, instruct, order, remind, request, tell, urge, warn, want” gibi fiiller, talimatın /
emrin kime verildiğini belirten bir zamir ile birlikte kullanılırlar. Olumlu emir cümleleri “to + infinitive” ve olumsuz emir cümleleri ise “not
to + infinitive” yapısı kullanılarak aktarılır.
ä Direct Speech: “Study the data and draw your own conclusions.”
▪ Reported Speech: The professor told us to study the data and draw our own conclusions.
ä Direct Speech: “Don’t present your ideas without organising them in a coherent manner.”
▪ Reported Speech: The teacher warned us not to present our ideas without organising them in a coherent manner.
ä Direct Speech: “Follow the chain of command and report any incidents immediately.”
▪ Reported Speech: The colonel ordered us to follow the chain of command and report any incidents immediately.
ä Direct Speech: “Deploy the troops and establish a defensive line.”
▪ Reported Speech: The general commanded us to deploy the troops and establish a defensive line.
ä Direct Speech: “Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face.”
▪ Reported Speech: The public health official urged us to wash our hands frequently and avoid touching our faces.
Other Reporting Verbs
verb + to + infinitive
Reporting Verb Example Sentence
Agree She agreed to meet me at the coffee shop.
Offer He offered to give me a ride home.
Promise They promised to be on time for the meeting.
Refuse She refused to sign the contract.
Decide He decided to take a year off from work.
Plan They planned to visit their grandparents over the weekend.
Claim The company claimed to have the best customer service.
Demand The protesters demanded to speak with the mayor.
Threaten The robber threatened to harm the hostages.
Tend He tends to forget his keys when he's in a hurry.