Page 234 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 234

Topic Summary - Noun Clauses

                           How + zarf + özne + fiil!                             How + özne + fiil!
                               Exclamation                                        Exclamation

                             How fast he runs!                                   How he speaks!
                            How well they dance!                             How she solves problems!
                          How beautifully she paints!                         How he teaches others!

                        How confidently they perform!                       How she cares for her family!
                         How intelligently she speaks!                      How the stars shine tonight!

                                     How much + karşılaştırma sıfatı / karşılaştırma zarfı + özne + fiil!

                                          How much more confidently he speaks in public!
                                       How much more patiently they handle difficult situations!

                                          How much more efficiently she manages her time!
                                      How much more effectively they collaborate as a team now!
                                       How much more creatively she designs her artwork now!

                 What + sayılamayan isim / sayılabilen çoğul isim!       what + a / an + sayılabilen tekil isim!
                               Exclamation                                        Exclamation

                            What delicious food!                                 What a surprise!
                           What beautiful flowers!                                What an idea!

                            What amazing views!                                    What a pity!
                         What great friends you have!
                   What fantastic books you've recommended!

                        Here / There + özne (zamir) + fiil!                Here / There + fiil + özne (isim)!
                               Exclamation                                        Exclamation

                              There they are!                                  Here comes the bride!
                                There it is!                                    Here goes nothing!

                                Here I am!                                    There lies the problem!
                               There she is!                                 Here stands the champion!
                                 Here it is!                                   Here comes the sun!

                               There we are!

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