Page 230 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 230

Topic Summary - Noun Clauses

                                                 verb + somebody + to + infinitive
                          Reporting Verb                      Example Sentence
                             Advise      The doctor advised me to get more exercise.

                              Allow      My boss allowed me to take the day off.
                               Ask       He asked his neighbour to water his plants while he was away.

                               Beg       She begged her parents to let her go to the concert.
                            Encourage    My teacher encouraged me to apply for the scholarship.
                              Invite     She invited me to go on a trip with her family.

                            Persuade     He persuaded his friend to join the club.
                             Remind      She reminded me to call my mother on her birthday.

                             Request     The customer requested the waiter to bring him a glass of water.
                              Order      The teacher ordered the students to be quiet during the test.
                              Teach      The coach taught the players to work together as a team.

                               Tell      The boss told the employees to finish the project by Friday.
                              Urge       The coach urged the team to play their best in the championship game.

                              Warn       The teacher warned the students not to cheat on the exam.

                                                       verb + that clause

                          Reporting Verb                      Example Sentence
                           Acknowledge   He acknowledged that he had made a mistake.
                              Admit      She admitted that she was wrong.

                              Agree      They agreed that the project needed more work.
                              Assert     The speaker asserted that climate change is a real threat.

                              Claim      The company claimed that their product was the best on the market.
                             Concede     He conceded that he had lost the argument.
                             Confirm     The doctor confirmed that the patient was in good health.

                              Deny       She denied that she had stolen the money.
                             Explain     She explained that the meeting had been cancelled.

                             Indicate    The report indicated that the economy was improving.
                              Inform     The teacher informed the students that there would be a quiz.

                              Insist     He insisted that he was telling the truth.
                             Mention     He mentioned that he had seen the movie before.
                              Note       The article noted that there were several possible solutions.

                             Observe     The researcher observed that the monkeys were social animals.
                             Point out   The teacher pointed out that the assignment was due on Friday.

                             Report      The newspaper reported that the earthquake had caused extensive damage.
                             Suggest     He suggested that they go to the beach for the weekend.

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