Page 222 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 222

Topic Summary - Noun Clauses


        A noun clause is a dependent clause that takes the place of any noun in a sentence, and it functions as a subject, an object, or a
        subject complement. Mastering the noun clause structure helps you construct simple sentences as well as slightly more complex
        ones in English. This structure appears frequently in everyday language as well as in advanced texts. As for YDT, sentences formed
        with this structure are used in almost every question type. Understanding them and analysing their contributions to the texts will
        significantly increase your exam success.

        1. Forming Noun Clauses
        “Noun Clauses” (isim cümlecikleri) cümlede isim ya da isim gruplarının (noun phrases) işlevini gören yan cümlelerdir. İsimler cümlede
        özne ya da nesne görevinde bulunabildikleri için isim cümlecikleri de cümlede özne ya da nesne görevinde bulunurlar.
           ▪  The interest of big companies and organizations in developing technologies has led them to get better results.
             (Noun phrase - Subject Position)
           ▪  That big companies and organizations are showing interest in developing technologies has led them to get better results.
             (Noun Clause - Subject Position)
           ▪  Many people are arguing about the effectiveness of vitamin supplements. (Noun phrase - Object Position)
           ▪  Many people argue that vitamin supplements are not effective enough. (Noun clause - Object Position)

        Cümlenin öznesi olarak (As the subject of a sentence)
           ▪  That global warming is changing the world has been the subject of numerous research.
        “That” kelimesi isim cümleciği (noun clause) cümlede özne görevindeyse cümleden kaldırılamaz. Ancak nesne olarak kullanılan
        “noun clause” yapısında ise “that” sözcüğü kullanılmayabilir.
           ▪  Neuroscientists have claimed (that) excessive social media scrolling is linked to poor mental health, especially in teens.

        Cümlenin nesnesi olarak (As the object of a sentence)
           ▪  Palaeontologists discovered that the early land animals had six, seven, and even eight fingers.
           ▪  Most people know that birds migrate in groups in search of better conditions.

        “The fact that” ile kurulan İsim Cümlecikleri (Noun Clauses with “the fact that”)
              » Babies are instinctive swimmers. That does not mean you should put them in the pool right away.

           ▪  The fact that babies are instinctive swimmers does not mean you should put them in the pool right away.
        “The fact that” ile başlayan cümle eğer özne durumundaysa “the fact that” yerine sadece “that” de kullanılabilir.

           ▪  The fact that / That babies are instinctive swimmers does not mean you should put them in the pool right away.
        “That” clause eğer bir “preposition”ın nesnesi durumunda ise “the fact that” ifadesi kullanmak zorunludur.
           ▪  There is no reason to worry about the fact that robots will replace us.

           ▪  Everybody is familiar with the fact that fruits are healthy as they are rich in vitamins necessary for the body.
        Belli fiillerden sonra (After certain verbs)
                                     admit                 expect                 realize

                                   announce                explain              remember

                                    believe                 hope                  reveal

                                     claim                 indicate                say
                                    confirm                 know                 suggest

                                    declare                predict                 think

                                     doubt                 promise                wonder

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