Page 244 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 244

Fast Track to YDT - Noun Clauses (2)

                                                               5.  A top executive of a well-known South Korean technology
          Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
          sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                            firm admitted ---- he did not let his daughter own a
                                                                  smartphone until she was 11 years old.
        1.  ---- Frodo Baggins, Harry Potter, and many of literature’s   A)  what
           most intriguing protagonists have in common is---- they
           all go out of their comfort zones, have an experience that   B)  if
           changes them, then recover and do it again.
                                                                  C)  who
           A)  Why / what                                         D)  that
           B)  That / whether                                     E)  which

           C)  What / that
           D)  How / where
           E)  Whichever / if

                                                               6.  Endophytes, a type of fungus that lives inside plant tissue,
        2.  ---- we will have lost many plant and animal species on
           Earth by 2070 due to climate change urges governments   provide significant protection to plants, which is why
           around the world to stick to the Paris Agreement.      researchers are focused on ---- the organisms could be
                                                                  used economically to promote food security.
           A)  However
                                                                  A)  that
           B)  The fact that
                                                                  B)  whichever
           C)  Whatever
                                                                  C)  how
           D)  Whenever
                                                                  D)  where
           E)  Where
                                                                  E)  which

        3.  While buying non-prescription medicine, customers must   7.  The fact that people are holding on to their handsets for
           make sure ---- the medications they select solely address   longer as a result of the cost-of-living crisis raises the
           the symptoms they are experiencing.                    question of ---- new folding phones will be able to succeed
                                                                  in the current market.
           A)  that
                                                                  A)  however
           B)  how
                                                                  B)  why
           C)  which
                                                                  C)  whatever
           D)  if
                                                                  D)  when
           E)  why
                                                                  E)  whether

                                                               8.  ---- all that clothing goes after you are done with it,
        4.  As wild predators, cougars search for their prey in the wild   including the unused textiles and unsold clothes, is not
           using their keen senses of sight, hearing, and smell and   a secret; unfortunately, they end up being thrown away in
           then hunt it ---- the prey is available.               landfills or incinerators each year.
           A)  whatever                                           A)  What
           B)  however                                            B)  Why

           C)  whether                                            C)  Which
           D)  whichever                                          D)  Where
           E)  whenever                                           E)  Who

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