Page 249 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 249

Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation (2)

        9.  There is some belief that Einstein ---- a world icon today if   13. During the 19  and 20  centuries, there ---- a resurgence
           his theory of relativity ---- by scientists who measured the   of interest in Celtic music as scholars and musicians ----
           bending of starlight during a solar eclipse in 1919.   to actively collect and preserve traditional melodies and
                                                                  songs from the Celtic regions.
           A)  would not have been / has not been confirmed
                                                                  A)  had been / had begun
           B)  could not have been / was not confirmed
                                                                  B)  has been / have begun
           C)  might not be / had not been confirmed
                                                                  C)  was / began
           D)  will not be / is not confirmed
                                                                  D)  will be / are beginning
           E)  must not be / was not being confirmed
                                                                  E)  is / begin

        10. Eventually, almost everyone will have a condition that   14. In medieval Europe, socks ---- by skilled artisans using
           makes regular exercise difficult, ---- it’s a simple joint   hand-knitting techniques, making them a luxury item due
           problem ---- a more serious physical disability.       to the considerable time and effort ---- for their production.
           A)  neither / nor                                      A)  were being crafted / having been needed

           B)  if / or not                                        B)  used to be crafted / needing
           C)  whatever / and                                     C)  had been crafted / to need
           D)  whether / or                                       D)  are crafted / to be needed
           E)  given that / rather than                           E)  were crafted / needed

        11. Ellen  Fitz,  the  first  woman  to  design  and manufacture   15. Many painters, including Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo,
           globes, ---- a globe mount that ---- the earth’s daily rotation   and Raphael, ---- techniques such as perspective, shading,
           in connection to the path of the sun during the day and   and naturalism to make realistic and emotionally evocative
           night and throughout the year.                         paintings that ---- the humanistic ideals of the time during
                                                                  the Renaissance period.
           A)  devised / could display
                                                                  A)  used / would exemplify
           B)  had devised / might display
                                                                  B)  are using / might exemplify
           C)  was devising / had to display
                                                                  C)  were using / had better exemplify
           D)  used to devise / would display
                                                                  D)  had been using / can exemplify
           E)  has been devising / can display
                                                                  E)  had used / must have exemplified

        12. Nouriel Roubini, a Turkish-born American economist and   16. If  Scandinavians  ----  the  long,  dark  winter nights, they
           professor, ---- enormous vulnerabilities in the US banking   ---- the unique cultural practices, traditions, and lifestyles
           system and ---- the coming crises three years before the   that the harsh winter conditions of the Nordic region have
           2007–2008 subprime mortgage crisis occurred.           shaped.
           A)  will recognise / predicts                          A)  did not have / should have missed
           B)  recognised / predicted                             B)  have not had / could have missed

           C)  has recognised / has predicted                     C)  were not having / might miss
           D)  had recognised / has been predicting               D)  are not having / will miss
           E)  recognises / will predict                          E)  had not had / would have missed

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