Page 247 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 247

Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation (1)

        9.  Due to the numerous bank failures that took place during   13. The 1959 Antarctic Treaty, ---- provides legal protection
           the Great Depression of the 1930s, banks in the United   for species residing in areas more than 60 degrees south
           States  have been  regulated ---- banks  in  many  other   of the equator, ---- Antarctica and its surrounding waters,
           countries.                                             came into force in 1963.
           A)  the most strictly                                  A)  that / include
           B)  too strict                                         B)  which / including

           C)  so strict as                                       C)  what / to include
           D)  strict enough                                      D)  where / to be including
           E)  more strictly than                                 E)  whose / included

                                                               14. Fifteen artists, scientists, and philosophers are gathering
        10. It is an international issue agreed upon by nearly all   in London next Thursday ---- how best ---- the concerns of
           nations that people ---- their money on deposit at the bank   people about Artificial Intelligence.
           until they need it if they ---- to withdraw it at any moment.
                                                                  A)  discussing / expressing
           A)  will leave / are guaranteed
                                                                  B)  discussed / expressed
           B)  left / would be guaranteed
                                                                  C)  discuss / express
           C)  would have left / had been guaranteed
                                                                  D)  to be discussing / to be expressed
           D)  would leave / will be guaranteed
                                                                  E)  to discuss / to express
           E)  leave / were guaranteed

                                                               15. The more knowledge we have ---- we are trying to save, the
        11. Borrowers of banks pay interest on the money lent so they   better we are able to protect and take care of it.
           can make purchases that they ---- if they ---- immediately.
                                                                  A)  of what
           A)  cannot afford / will have to pay
                                                                  B)  that
           B)  will not afford / have had to pay
                                                                  C)  which
           C)  would not afford / have to pay
                                                                  D)  what
           D)  could not afford / had to pay
                                                                  E)  of which
           E)  would not have afforded / had had to pay

        12. Hundreds of the world’s languages, 95% ---- are expected
           to vanish with the current generation if necessary   16. According to a study, people who consume foods
           precautions are not taken immediately, are in fact a   containing the artificial sweetener erythritol are ---- more
           heritage that should be preserved firmly.              likely to have heart attacks and strokes than those who
                                                                  use ---- sweeteners at all.
           A)  of whose
                                                                  A)  a little / a few
           B)  that of
                                                                  B)  a lot / other
           C)  of which
                                                                  C)  quite / several
           D)  in which
                                                                  D)  a bit / many
           E)  where
                                                                  E)  much / no

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