Page 55 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 55

Fast Track to YDT - Tenses (1)

        9. The African nation of South Sudan, which ---- its   13.  In the prehistoric ages, when the concept of private
          independence  on July  9, 2011,  ----  the world’s  newest   property was not developed yet, women ---- food for
          country to be officially recognised by the international   survival, while men ----.
                                                                     A)  had gathered / hunted
            A)  has declared / will become
                                                                     B)  gathered / had hunted
            B)  had declared / became
                                                                     C)  were gathering / had been hunting
            C)  was declaring / had become
                                                                     D)  were gathering / were hunting
            D)  declared / has become
                                                                     E)  had been gathering / were hunting
            E)  declares / is becoming

        10.  It is the first time researchers from the University of   14.  In the last decades, there ---- an increase in the use of
            Florida  in  the  United  States  ----  in  growing  a  cress-like   virtual technologies to document historical sites as
            plant in lunar soil due to the study they ---- on samples   a method of preservation and to prevent misguided
            brought from the Moon half a century ago.              architectural methods that ---- archaeological sites.
              A)  had succeeded / have carried out                   A)  was / damaged
              B)  have succeeded / carried out                       B)  is / are damaging

              C)  succeeded / are carrying out                       C)  has been / damage
              D)  will succeed / carry out                           D)  will be / damaged
              E)  succeed / have been carrying out                   E)  had been / have damaged

        11.  When the Challenger disaster ---- in 1986, thousands of   15.  The tope shark, which is a shark species that ---- alone in
            school children ---- it on TV unfortunately.           the cool waters of oceans, ---- on invertebrates and small
                                                                   fish in packs.
              A)  had happened / watched
                                                                     A)  is living / fed
              B)  happens / watch
                                                                     B)  has been living / is feeding
              C)  is happening / are watching
                                                                     C)  lived / had fed
              D)  was happening / have been watching
                                                                     D)  had lived / feeds
              E)  happened / were watching
                                                                     E)  lives / feeds

        12.  The documentary Saving Notre Dame ---- the story of the   16.  Wheat, which ---- humanity’s sedentary lifestyle and
            great fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris in April 2019   an agricultural society, ---- all over the world since the
            and the reconstruction of the cathedral, which ---- the   Neolithic Age, that is, for about ten thousand years,
            heart of French culture for nearly 900 years.          starting in Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilisation.
              A)  told / has been                                    A)  symbolised / was grown
              B)  tells / has been                                   B)  symbolises / has been grown
              C)  told / had been                                    C)  is symbolising / had been grown

              D)  is telling / is                                    D)  had symbolised / has been grown
              E)  has told / was                                     E)  has symbolised / is grown

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