Page 54 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 54

Fast Track to YDT - Tenses (1)

                                                               5. Ironically, people ---- about the traffic even though they are
          Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen    somehow part of it, and this ---- for years.
          sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   A)  complain / is going on
        1. Artists ---- the belief for a long time that a person’s reaction
          to colour profoundly ---- their state of mind and emotional   B)  have been complaining / went on
                                                                   C)  were complaining / goes on
            A)  have held / impacts                                D)  are complaining / has been going on
            B)  are holding / impacted                             E)  have complained / was going on
            C)  held / is impacting
            D)  were holding / had impacted
            E)  will hold / was impacting

        2. Despite the fact that the oceans ---- more and more polluted,   6. Although we ---- a permanent presence on Mars for 25 years,
          the nets that fishermen use for hunting and then discard or   scientists still ---- an incredible desire to study untouched
          tear apart ---- the lives of numerous marine animals.  parts of Mars in their laboratories.
            A)  become / are endangering                           A)  have had / have
            B)  became / were endangering                          B)  had / are having
            C)  are becoming / endanger                            C)  are having / have had

            D)  had become / endangered                            D)  will have / had
            E)  have been becoming / have endangered               E)  were having / will have

        3. Vegetarianism, in which animal protein is not consumed,   7. As soon as Captain Smith realised that the Titanic ----, he
          ---- our lives in the nineteenth century; however, this well-  ----  a  signal  for  help;  however,  the  closest  ship  was  one
          known  concept  ----  into  veganism,  in  which  no  animal   hundred kilometres away.
          products are used.
                                                                   A)  had been sinking / was sending out
            A)  will enter / evolves
                                                                   B)  was sinking / sent out
            B)  has entered / is evolving
                                                                   C)  sank / had sent out
            C)  had entered / evolved
                                                                   D)  have been sinking / would send out
            D)  enters / was evolving
                                                                   E)  would sink / has sent out
            E)  entered / has evolved

        4. Especially in the early childhood period, children watching   8. The International Space Station ---- the Earth instead
          cartoons and videos extensively ---- more intense anxiety   of being parked in a fixed spot to protect it from the two
          and fear since, as a feature of their cognitive development,   dangerous radiation belts that ---- the Earth.
          they ---- every character they see on the screen is real.
                                                                   A)  has been orbiting / surrounded
            A)  are feeling / have thought
                                                                   B)  was orbiting / have surrounded
            B)  feel / think
                                                                   C)  orbits / will surround
            C)  have felt / thought
                                                                   D)  orbited / are surrounding
            D)  will feel / are thinking
                                                                   E)  is orbiting / surround
            E)  had felt / were thinking

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