Page 49 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 49

Topic Summary - Tenses

         Future Perfect Tense or Future Perfect Continuous Tense
                                 Affirmative                    Negative                     Interrogative

                       Robotics will have affected the human  Robotics  will not have affected  the  Will robotics have affected the human
          Future Perfect   labour force and the global economy by  human labour force and the global  labour force and the global economy by
             Tense     2050.                         economy by 2050.              2050?

          Future Perfect   Roboticists  will  have  been  working  Roboticists will not have been working  Will roboticists  have been  working
         Continuous Tense  on robotic intelligence for decades by  on robotic intelligence for decades by  on robotic intelligence for decades by
         ⃣   Gelecek zamanda devam ediyor olacak olan bir olayı anlatırken “Future Perfect Continuous Tense” kullanılırken, gelecekte belli
            bir zamandan önce bitecek olacak olan bir olayı ifade ederken “Future Perfect Tense” kullanılır.
             ▪ Situation: We have to read twelve different novels to finish this academic year by June.
             ▪ By June, we will have been reading novels for nine months.
             ▪ By November, we will have read eight novels.
             ▪ By June, we will have finished reading all twelve novels.
         ⃣   “Future Perfect Continuous Tense” ile beraber eylemsizlik bildiren fiiller (nonaction verbs) kullanılmaz.
         ❎  ▪ By next year, humanity will have been believing in the existence of black holes for half a century.
         ✅  ▪ By next year, humanity will have believed in the existence of black holes for half a century.
         ⃣   “Future Perfect Continuous Tense” ile kullanılacak fiillere dikkat edilmelidir. Süreklilik bildiren “play, sleep, read” gibi fiiller bu
            “tense” ile kullanılabilir. “finish, start, arrive” gibi bir anda olup biten eylemleri anlatan fiiller kullanılamaz.
         ❎  ▪ By 2040, architects will have been finishing designing both the first buildings in space and self-contained ‘space villages’
                 capable of maintaining life indefinitely.
         ✅  ▪ By 2040, architects will have finished designing both the first buildings in space and self-contained ‘space villages’ capable of
                 maintaining life indefinitely.
         ❎  ▪ In the next century, people will have been overcoming long-held notions that communication must always be verbal in order to
                 be effective.
         ✅  ▪ In the next century, people will have overcome long-held notions that communication must always be verbal in  order to be effective.

                 Key Points

          ⃣   “No sooner ... than” ve “hardly / barely / scarcely ... when” yapıları cümlenin başında yer alırsa devrik cümle yapısı kullanılır.
               ▪ No sooner had the athlete crossed the finish line than he slipped and fell down in front of the thousands of spectators.

               ▪ Hardly had students arrived at the school when they learned that it was declared a snow day.
          ⃣   “Past Continuous Tense” kesintiye uğramış eylemleri anlatırken “Past Perfect Continuous Tense” geçmişte gerçekleşmiş bir
              olay ya da eylemden önceki süreci anlatmak için kullanılır.
               ▪ The board of public works was working on the budget proposal for the council when the city council started the annual meeting.

               ▪ The board of public works had been working on the budget proposal for the council for five hours when the city council
                  started the annual meeting.
          ⃣   “Superlatives” (the smartest, the most clever, vb.) ve “ordinal numbers” (the third, the last, vb.) gibi yapılardan sonra “Present
              Perfect Tense” veya “Past Perfect Tense” kullanılır.
               ▪ Britain might be the largest economic unit Europe has ever seen, but it is not definitely the most powerful military force.

          ⃣   “Ne kadar?” ve “Kaç tane?” sorularının cevabı bulunan cümlelerde “Present Perfect Tense” ve “Past Perfect Tense” kullanılırken
              “Ne kadar süredir?” sorusunun cevabı bulunan cümlelerde “Present Perfect Continuous Tense” ve “Past Perfect Continuous
              Tense” tercih edilir. Bunun sebebi; ilkinde eylemin sonucu vurgulanırken, diğerinde devam eden bir sürecin vurgulanmasıdır.
              Eylemsizlik bildiren fiiller bu kuralın dışındadır.
               ▪ The municipality has been renovating the buildings in the old part of the city for six months, and they have spent
                  a lot of money in the last three months.

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