Page 48 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 48

Topic Summary - Tenses

        11. Usage of Future Perfect Tense
        Structure of Future Perfect Tense
        “Future Perfect Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.
                                Affirmative                     Negative                     Interrogative

          You / We / They  The excavation at the site will have started   The excavation at the site will not have started   Will the excavation at the site have started
           I / He / She / It  by next month.        by next month.                  by next month?

        Usage of Future Perfect Tense
        ▶  Gelecekte belirli bir noktadan önce yapmış, tamamlamış, başarmış ve bitirmiş olacağımız olaylar
             ▪ By 2 p.m., WHO will have finished its report on the potential impacts of an influenza pandemic.
             ▪ In fifty years, the world population will have exploded, while food production will have expanded by less than one billion.
        Time Expressions Used in Future Perfect Tense

                by 2050            by the time            by that time             when              before
                by then            in five years     by the end of this summer / next week   within a decade

            ▪ In ten years, computers will have reached human levels of intelligence and surpassed people in creative and artistic areas.
            ▪ NASA will have launched more than a dozen robotic missions to study asteroids within a decade.
        ▶  “By” ve “By the time” arasındaki farka dikkat etmek gerekir;
             “By” bir ilgeçtir (preposition), bu yüzden kendisinden sonra bir isim gelir.
            “By the time” ise bir bağlaçtır. Kendisinden sonra bir cümle gelmelidir.
            ▪ According to the report, by the next decade, home prices in most neighbourhoods will have risen by at least fifty percent and rents
               by at least eighty percent.
            ▪ By the time the mountaineers reach the summit, they will have used up all their energy.
        ▶  “By the time” ın kullanıldığı bir cümlede, ana cümlede fiil olarak “be” fiili kullanılmış ve süreç belirtilmemişse
             “Future Perfect Tense” yerine “Future Simple Tense” kullanılır.
            ▪ By the time the committee decides what must be done to prevent possible chaos, everything will be a complete mess.
            ▪ The members will have discussed the issue several times by the time the committee decides on its course of action.
        12. Usage of Future Perfect Continuous Tense
        Structure of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:
        “Future Perfect Continuous Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.
                                Affirmative                    Negative                     Interrogative

         I / You / We / They  The excavation at the site will have been  The excavation at the site will not have been  Will  the excavation at  the site  have  been
           He / She / It  continuing for thirteen years in 2032.  continuing for thirteen years in 2032.  continuing for thirteen years in 2032?

        Usage of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:
        ▶  “Future Perfect Continuous Tense” gelecekte bir eylemin belirli bir zamandan önce ne kadar süredir yapılıyor olduğunu
             anlattığımız durumlarda kullanılır. Bu zamanda genellikle olayın süresi de belirtilir.

              ▪ Scientists will have been studying Earth’s atmosphere and climate for a decade when the results of their research are published.
        Time Expressions Used in Future Perfect Continuous Tense

                  for two years            by tomorrow           by this time tomorrow         by then
                                          Time Clause                                    Main Clause

                   When / By the time   +  Present Simple Tense, OR Present Perfect Tense,  Future Perfect Continuous
             ▪ By the 2040s, astronomers will have been studying the heavens with their radio telescopes for more than a century.
             ▪ How long will scientists have been working on developing a new form of space travel by the time their findings are / have been published?

             ▪ When the semester ends / has ended, the university instructors will have been teaching incessantly for eight months.

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