Page 53 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 53

Exercises - Tenses

        J)  Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, or Past Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in parentheses to
          complete the sentences.
           1.   Before  the  ancient  Sumerians  of  Mesopotamia  _________________  (invent)  the  cuneiform  circa  3500–3000  BC,  people
              _________________ (rely upon) such rudimentary writing systems as pictographs, hieroglyphs, and ideograms.
           2.   The state _________________ (govern) a territory larger than Britain, France, and Germany combined for fifty years when it
              _________________ (fall into) chaos due to a series of domestic and international crises.
           3 .   While the restoration works _________________ (take) place, all the rooms were covered with scaffolding and plastic sheeting
              because the owners _________________ (want) to ensure that the original paint surfaces would not be harmed.
           4 .   Real estate speculators _________________ (no sooner / purchase) rural farms than the degradation of existing agricultural
              lands in the area _________________ (commence).
           5 .   Before the beginning of the financial crisis known as the Great Recession in December 2007, the USA _________________
              (see) periods of steady economic growth and declining unemployment since the early 1990s.
           6 .   When the dominant powers finally _________________ (decide) to split Korea into two different states in 1948, NATO forces
              _________________ (defend) the Korean peninsula with brand new jet aircraft, tanks, and cannons.
           7 .   The manager _________________ (ask) if any of the employees _________________ (experience) any problems with their
              paychecks the month before.
           8 .   By the time the typhoon _________________ (reach) Okinawa, a Japanese island in the East China Sea, residents __________
              _____________ (evacuate) the region for more than a day.
           9 .   Before Britain _________________ (colonise) India, the country _________________ (be) part of the Mughal Empire and the
              Hindu caste system since the 16th century.
           10. While the documentary director _________________ (shoot) the final episode of workers in the tea fields, he _________________
              (learn) that the factory _________________ (not / pay) them the legal minimum wage for almost a year.

        K) Use the Future Simple Tense: will – be going to or Future Continuous forms of the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences.
           1.  A: Can somebody answer the phone since I’m loading the dishwasher in the kitchen?
               B: I _________________ (take) care of it, dear.
           2 . If everything goes as planned, the station _________________ (be) available for passenger service by December 2023.
           3 . It is estimated that about 1% of the world population _________________ (live) for more than 100 years as life expectancy increases.
           4 .  A: We _________________ (have) a party from 8 to 11 p.m. You can join us if you do not have any other plans.
               B: I really would like to, but I _________________ (spend) the night with a sick friend.
           5 .The coach thinks the next season _________________ (be) a rebuilding season because a number of good players have been
             injured, and he does not know if all of them _________________ (be) able to play next season or not.

        L)  Use the Future Simple Tense: will – be going to, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, or Future Perfect Continuous forms of
          the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences.
           1.  During the second half of the 21  century, the world _________________ (experience) a severe water crisis caused by excessive
               use of fresh water, lack of water resources, and overpopulation.
           2.  By the end of the third quarter of the 21  century, many countries _________________ (achieve) middle-income status, but the
               distribution of economic wealth _________________ (become) much more unequal.
           3.  A water shutoff _________________ (take) place in your area tomorrow for twenty-four hours due to maintenance on the water
               pipes, so we ask for your understanding.
           4.  Experts believe glaciers in the Himalayas _________________ (melt away), causing torrents of water to pour into the fertile,
               densely populated Ganges River valley by 2100.
           5.  By the time the space shuttle has returned to Earth, the crew _________________ (study) every aspect of living in zero gravity
             for as long as 110 days.
           6.  The board members _________________ (conclude) the investigation by the end of this week, and if any wrongdoings are found,
               they _________________ (announce) what actions they plan to take next.
           7.  When scientists finish trying their new cure on rats, the data from these experiments _________________ (be) very important in
               their efforts to get government approval for human trials.
           8.  The babysitter _________________ (rock) the baby for several hours by the time the parents return, but the baby shows no signs
               of getting sleepy.
           9.  The company _________________ (introduce) a new sports car to compete with popular American manufacturers, and it
               _________________ (borrow) design features from an older, discontinued model.
           10. You _________________ (have to) pay a lot to establish and maintain a business, but if you are willing to take the risk, you
                _________________ (eventually / realise) a handsome profit.

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