Page 43 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 43

Topic Summary - Tenses

        5. Usage of Past Simple Tense
        Structure of Past Simple Tense
        “Past Simple Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.

                                Affirmative                    Negative                      Interrogative
         I / You / We / They
           He / She / It  The vice director resigned last week. The vice director didn’t resign last week.  Did the vice director resign last week?
        Usage of Past Simple Tense

        ▶  Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda tamamlanmış eylemler
               ▪ Marie and Pierre Curie discovered the radium element in 1898.
        ▶  Geçmişte art arda tamamlanan eylemler
               ▪ Susan heard a noise, got out of the bed and went downstairs.
        ▶  Geçmişte sürekli / kalıcı / tekrarlı eylemler ve alışkanlıklar
               ▪ I always bought scientific magazines when I was a student at university.
        ▶  Koşul cümlelerinde (Type 2 conditional for unreal or imaginary situations)
               ▪ If you saw an alien, what would you do?
        ▶  “………… zamanı çoktan geldi” anlamında şimdiki zaman veya gelecek zaman ifadesi gereken durumlar
               ▪ It is about time / It is high time you started doing your assignment, or else you won’t be able to finish it on time.

        Time Expressions Frequently Used in Past Simple Tense

         yesterday      as soon as     ago            the other day  previously    after          in ancient times
         last week      last month     last year      before        in antiquity   the moment     immediately after

         then           soon after     at the time    until         when           at that time   earlier

             ▪ In ancient times, when there were no refrigerators to store food, fermentation prevented foods from spoiling completely.
             ▪ As I explained previously, you will be given the opportunity to present your ideas about the solution of the problem.
             ▪ The toddler started to run the moment she saw her daddy.
             ▪ My goal was to be an eco-warrior at the time, but living conditions made me spend more time on my career.

        6. Usage of Past Continuous Tense

        Structure of Past Continuous Tense
        “Past Continuous Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.
                                Affirmative                    Negative                     Interrogative

                       The boys were playing video   The boys weren’t playing video games at  Were the boys playing video games at
          You / We / They
                       games at 8 pm yesterday.    8 pm yesterday.                8 pm yesterday?
                       He was watching TV at 8 pm   He wasn’t watching TV at 8 pm   Was he watching TV at 8 pm
          I / He / She / It
                       yesterday.                  yesterday.                     yesterday?
        Usage of Past Continuous Tense
        ▶  Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda devam edip tamamlanan eylemler
              ▪ At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the team were having their last training before the big final.
        ▶  Geçmişte birbirinden bağımsız olarak eş zamanlı devam eylemler
              ▪ While we were preparing the dinner, the kids were laying the table.
        ▶  Özellikle edebi metinlerde olay örüntüsünü ya da arka plan öğelerini tasvir ederken
              ▪ It was raining heavily and just a few cars were passing through the street. While the girl was looking out of the window,
                 suddenly she heard a strange noise…
        ▶  Geçmişteki rahatsız edici veya rutin olarak yapılan eylemler
              ▪ My twin brother was always pulling my hair when we argued.

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